Hydra's Puppet

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*present time*
You heard the snip as the scissors cut your hair back above your shoulders. Soon the haircut was done. You were being told a big mission today. Your Christmas present they called it. You remember it being the 25th of December. Flexing your metal fingers you stand up and head to the office.

"It is time for your big reward. You have proven yourself over the 5 years of being here and we have a special mission for you." You sit there staring and waiting. "Your task is to kill the Avengers." You nod your head. Easy peasy. "Now just for a couple days, just watch. Learn their movements and routine." You say one word, "Ok." Then leave.

You settle in on the roof of a building next to avengers tower and start watching. The red head that was once depressed seems happier, has a kitten. What will I do with the kitten? you think. Kill it too, you shrug. There were alot more people then the last time you had come. It looked like the avengers doubled. You call in and report this. "Just kill the original ones. The first 6, what are their names. Romanoff, Banner, Stark, Rogers, Barton and the god Thor." Then the voice cuts off.

Watching over the days the one with the kitten, Romanoff would be the easiest to kill. So you decide to sneak in tonight and kill her while the others are sleeping.

Night comes and you leave the rooftop and sneak into Avengers Tower. You expected it to be harder but it was too easy, Stark was slacking off for sure.

Wandering the halls you finally find the room of your target and you close in. You lift up the knife and are about to bring it down when a light blinds you. "OH MY GOD!!! Y/N???" She screams. You use your arm with the knife to shade your eyes and let them adjust but Barton barges into the room and shoots a paralyzing arrow. You fall to the ground unable to move and you black out.

It was the night before new years eve and I went to bed with Millie. After settling in I tried to get to sleep but I couldn't. In the dark I see a figure and I turn on my lamp and it reveals the intruder. Completely different look but I recognise them. "OH MY GOD!!! Y/N???" I scream. The light blinds her and she shades her eyes at that time Clint runs in sees the intruder not even thinking and shoots a paralyzing arrow at her.

I jump out of bed as everyone else wakes up to the commotion and comes to check it out. "I told you she was alive," Bucky said without any joy in his voice. They all stare down at the passed out body on the floor. I go to her side and attempt to pick her up but she has gained some muscle while she was gone. Bucky and Steve rush to my side and lift Y/N up with little effort. Tony leads them to some place called the panic room. Somewhere I haven't been before. Clint looks at me then turns to everyone else. "Guys get some sleep we will worry about this in the morning." Everyone goes back to their rooms and Clint gives me a last looks and shuts my door. I look around for Millie and see her still asleep in her cat tower. Stressed I lay in bed unable to sleep.

You wake up tied to a chair and you try and break free. Your tied down with metal chains so it makes escape hard. Your mind goes back to last night, "OH MY GOD!!! Y/N???" Who was Y/N? You struggle against the bonds and soon after you wake up 4 people walk in, Romanoff, Stark, Barton and the hydra traitor Bucky. "Y/N I can't believe your alive," Romanoff said. There it was again Y/N. "Who the hell is Y/N?!" You spit out. She takes a step back almost like she was heartbroken. Barton layed his hand on her arm, "Nat." Maybe to calm her. Couldn't care less. Bucky seems to be staring at you like he's trying to read your mind. You stare back and it starts to unsettle him and he looks away. "Get. Me. Out. Of. Here." You say through gritted teeth. "No I don't think we will. Not till you are yourself again, Y/N" Stark tells me. "Stop." You say, "What is Y/N?" Stark rolled his eyes at you like you were the dumbest thing on earth. "That's you," he says pointing at you. You stare at him confused. Bucky calms him down, "Listen, she probably doesn't remember anything. I can imagine what she went through." He lifts up his left arm. Metal. You look down at your left arm. Metal. You look up at stare at Bucky's arm. He chuckled, "Your not the first to stare you know." You returned a growl. Clint turns to Bucky, "What got you out of hydra's grasp?" Bucky stops to think. "Nostalgia I guess you could say. Happy memories things that will surely make her remember." "Hm..." is all Barton says. You keep struggling against the bonds. Stark looks at me with disapproval. "Stop that, your not going anywhere. Not anytime soon at least." You glare at him and keep working on the bonds but there has been no improvement. You notice how quiet Romanoff has been, "Romanoff your awful quiet now why would that be?" She looks up from the ground into your eyes. Then she glances around at everyone in the room. "Because I-" she can't seem to answer the question. You just stare at her and she looks back down at the ground. She says something barely audible. Romanoff clears her throat then speaks louder, "I love you." That confused you. "What?" She looks up to you her eyes tearing up. Stark and Bucky wear shocked faces and stare at her. "You love her?" Stark asks. "Like romance love?" Bucky asks. She gives a small nod and the tears release from her eyes. "Well that's something." Stark mutters. A realisation hit both Bucky and Stark and the stare at Barton. "You knew didn't you?" They ask in sync. All Barton does is nod. "I think I have an idea," Bucky says then leads everyone out of the room. Leaving you alone, confused and angry.

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