Heather is Back

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It was the Carter cousins, Heather and Sharon. I don't mind Sharon but I can not stand Heather. Not after how she treated Y/N. I was hoping we could walk past without them seeing us but no. Heather said a few words to Sharon then came over to me. "You and Y/N didn't work out huh?" Of course Heather is going to assume that. "No everything is fine." I say through my clenched jaw. "Aw Tasha clearly it's not, I can see it in your eyes." Again with the stupid nickname. "Don't. Call. Me. Tasha." I growl and I lunge at her but Wanda and Pepper grab my arms and hold me back. "Nat stop. STOP!" Wanda tells me. I keep struggling then all my anger seeps out of me and I collapse. Heather laughing is the last thing I see before blacking out.

It was not peaceful. I kept having Y/N in my head. But not the old Y/N. The new one. "What is Y/N?" "Get. Me. Out. Of. Here." "Who the hell is Y/N?!" "Romanoff your awful quiet now why would that be?" "Oh it's you again." "I don't need to remember," I see her mocking me and growling at me. She has a new sadistic tone every time she speaks. But the word that hurt the most "Nat." When she was herself again for a split second. She is everywhere screaming those hurtful words. I try and escape but I can't. I'm stuck in here. "HELP!!!" I scream trying to get somebody to hear me.

After Nat sang to Y/N I had an idea. When the girls went to hang out and everyone had their little things to do I took Steve with me to the panic room.

"Steve, she nearly came back she was back for a split second." I explain. "We can't give up on her. You know that. Especially after all these years we've found her again." Steve places his hand on my shoulder, "I know Buck." Steve and I head into the room where Y/N is still tied up. It's been a few days and she's refusing to eat. So I bring in her favourite food. "Y/N It's me, Bucky. Or might you remember me by James Barnes?" I ask her desperately. She stares into my eyes. "No I don't." I sigh. This could be hard. At least she was answering to Y/N now. Steve decides to have a go, "Y/N it's Steve. Buck's best friend? We used to hang out in high school." He explains but without revealing too much right now. She shrugs her shoulders. "You should eat," I say placing (your favourite food) on the bench next to the chair. I untie her bonds "Can we trust you?" I ask. She looks up at me and gives a nod before digging into the food. She seems to have finally accepted her fate.

When she is finished Tony poked his head in. "Guys we've got a situation." We look at Y/N and get her to sit down again and tie her up. Which all she does is roll her eyes at our distrust. As soon as that's done we leave her in the panic room and follow Tony. We arrive at the hospital floor and we head into one of the rooms. Wanda, Pepper and Clint are all surrounding Natasha. I look to the corner of the room and see Sharon and guess who. Heather. I take 5 steps then I'm in front of Heather and in her face, "You did this, didn't you?" Rage building up inside me. "Why did you do this?!" I scream in her face. She doesn't have her cocky smile on her face and I step back. "I didn't do anything, well really. All I said was 'You and Y/N didn't work out huh?' I had no clue it would turn out like this." She explains. I turn to Nat. She's on the bed sweating like crazy and thrashing around. She was muttering inaudible things. Wanda looks over to Heather, "What did you mean by that?" Heather looks at Wanda before answering, "Didn't you know? Y/N had feelings for Tasha, I figured it out, I told Tasha then I got kicked out of SHIELD for "bullying" then they surely got together and well I didn't see Y/N with Tasha earlier so I figured it didn't work out." Heather explains, her old rude tone peeking through her softer one. Wanda and Pepper wear shocked faces, they look at Nat each other then around at everyone. "You guys knew?" They ask everyone. "Well I walked in on them having a conversation of trying it out and Bucky, Steve and Tony found out when Natasha told Y/N she loves her, to try and get her to remember herself because she's brainwashed by hydra." Clint tells Wanda and Pepper. "Y/N's been brainwashed?" Heather half yells in shock. "Yeah she's been missing for 5 years and we got her back but not her old self." I tell Heather. "That's why Tasha was so touchy," she mutters. "Do you not know that Nat hates being called Tasha?" I ask her. "She loves it she's just not showing it." Heather says. Right, I think. "Well I best head back to SHIELD so hopefully you guys fix this." Sharon says and she leaves and Heather follows.

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