Somebody Else

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"No that's crazy!" I exclaim. "If you think about it. I mean it could work." Tony says. Clint looks at me with sympathy. "It's crazy and it won't work." I say. "Why not?" Bucky asks, it was his stupid idea and it just won't work. "Because we never got that far!" I half scream at him. The shock of seeing Y/N back, but not herself and not remembering anything and now Bucky wants me to kiss her to remind her of herself. What the hell is wrong with him? Y/N is a hydra assassin. And I've never. We never even kissed. It's crazy. "And you two," I glare at Tony and Bucky, "keep your mouths shut about this until I can figure out what to do with myself." I don't want everyone finding out about Y/N and me. I storm off leaving them behind.

I shut my door. And cuddle Millie, "Oh Millie what am I to do?" I ask not expecting anything in return. "Mew" I look down into her eyes and it seems like Millie is smiling at me, maybe even telling me I'll be alright. I tuck myself into bed unable to sleep.

I hear a knock on my door then it opens. "Nat," Clint started speaking. "We have an idea, not as crazy as Bucky's." I stretch while yawning and get out of bed and follow Clint to where Y/N is being held.

"So Nat can you go in and just talk to her?" Tony asks me. I swallow down my fear and nod my head. I brace myself and walk into the panic room. "Oh it's you again." Y/N rolls her eyes at me. I take a deep breath. "Y/N do you remember nothing?" I ask. She looks so much like Bucky now. I've never noticed that before. "I don't need to remember," she retorts. This is going to be harder then I thought, I sigh. A thought hits me. When Y/N saw Heather kiss me and ran off, then sang a song that described the situation perfectly. I take a calming breath and start singing. "It's like you told me." She looks up at me. "Go forward slowly, it's not a race till the end." "What are you going on about?" She asks me confused. I continue, "Well you look like yourself but your somebody else, only it ain't on the surface." Y/N grits her teeth and starts struggling against her bonds again. "Well you talk like yourself, no I hear someone else though." "Stop singing." I finish, "Now your making me nervous." I stand there tears streaming down my face. She looks at me, "Nat." I look at her when she said that. It sounded like Y/N. "What?" I ask. The only response I get is a growl. Hurt I leave her behind.

They would have been listening. They all rushed towards me and wrapped me in a group hug. Tony and Bucky let go but Clint pulls me in tighter. "So that kind of worked," Bucky muttered to himself lost in thought. "Bucky do you want to share?" Tony asks. He snaps out of his thoughts, "Oh um, yeah not right now." We all leave and go see everyone else.

Wanda rushes up to me, "So how'd it go?" She asks me. I don't have an answer really so I shrug my shoulders. Sympathy shows on her face. "I'm going to go out, do you want to come?" Wanda asks me. "Sure," I respond.

Pepper came too, they were going to have a lunch out just a girls thing and I thought I should go. Keep my mind off things for a little while. We go to a cafe, Y/N's favourite. I sigh but walk in with them. Sitting down we order food and eat. I just poke at mine. Pepper and Wanda finish their food and I'm not going to eat mine so we decide to leave. They want to stay out for longer so we walk through the park. Wanda and Pepper are deep in conversation, they both gave up on getting me to join. We had walked through the whole park and we were about to walk out the other side when I see somebody I don't want to see. Not now. Not ever.

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