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I was stuck in this horrible place. Y/N kept calling me "Romanoff" and in that horrible new tone of hers and Heather kept following me and calling out "Tasha". I was trying to run but I couldn't. I curled up into a ball on the floor, hands covering my ears and screaming my lungs out. "Nat" Y/N's heartbroken voice broke through and I started sobbing.

You watched the door close behind Rogers and Bucky. Why would Stark need them? It doesn't matter. You struggle against your bonds which were looser then normal so you squeezed one arm through then easily slipped the other out. You walk to the door and try it. It's unlocked so you sneak out. You wander the floors quietly and decide to use the stairs for there is less chance of being caught. "I've escaped." You whisper into the earpiece which nobody has been smart enough to have removed it. "Took your time, didn't you," a voice replies. You roll your eyes. "Just get ready to pick me up a block away." You tell them. "Copy that."

On around the tenth floor you see Carter and a younger girl with caramel locks. Why she looked familiar you didn't know or care for that matter. You wait till they head into the elevator and you start descending again. Reaching the bottom you exit Avengers Tower with no trouble at all and head east to meet up with hydra.

Back at the base they take you to the chair and you open your mouth for the rubber bit which you clamp your teeth on. They start the machine up and electricity runs though you. Your screams fill the room.

The Carters left, finally. The room is silent and we all look at Nat. Tony looks down at a device on his arm. "What is it?" I ask. "Y/N is on the move." He tells me. "What?" I ask. "Come with me." Tony says and gets up and leaves the room.

I follow Tony to the panic room and see the door ajar and we go in. An empty chair. "What? Wait you knew this was going to happen." I say. "It was bound to but that's why I put a tracker on her, we can get rid of hydra at the same time. We're stronger now." Tony says.

Everyone is in the planning room and Tony explains his plan. "Can I stay here?" I ask. "I want to stay by Nat." Tony nods. "I figured that's what you would want. Everybody know what your doing?" Everyone nods and they head down to get organised while I head back to Nat. She hasn't improved and she's started screaming. I gently put my hand on her head and stroke it, "Oh Nat what a mess you are." I mutter. I'm about to remove my hand but Nat's hand shoots up and grips mine tight. "Y/N please. Come back." I don't know what to do. She lets go of my wrist then starts thrashing around. I stand up and look around for it. I grab the needle and place it in Nat's arm and inject the liquid and she starts to calm down. Millie. Crap. I rush out and head to Natasha's room. I see Millie curled up on Nat's bed. The food bag had been nibbled into. But the water had been empty for a couple of days. I kneel next to the bed. "Aw Millie I'm so sorry." I pick her up and carry her and put her down next to the now calm Nat. I make a small little area for Millie then put her there and leave to grab food and water. I return with them and she gives me a small meow. I scratch her ears then sit by Nat again and await news on the mission.

"We've got her." Bucky's voice wakes me up. I fumble around for the communication device. "Huh? You've got- have her?" I try hard to speak properly. "Are you ok Clint?" I hear Steve say. "Tired." I mumble.

~Nobody's POV~
"Clint?" Bucky asks. The communication device vibrates the table that Clint passed out on as everyone tried to get a response out of him.

"Don't worry about it guys. Let's focus on bringing Y/N back and keeping her this time." Tony says. Everyone heads to the quinjet and takes a seat. Wanda places Y/N who has been knocked out onto a seat. It happened to be the one next to Loki. "Brother what are you doing here." Thor grumbles. Loki for some reason had been plugged in and he looks curiously up at Thor. "You know very well I'm not your brother, and I heard about this situation" he looks down and points at Y/N. "I was merely curious that's all." Tony snickers from the front of the jet and everyone looks at him. "What? Am I the only one that has noticed the fact that Loki the god of mischief has plugged himself in?" Tony gets confused looks and he points so everyone will look at Loki. Loki looks around at everyone, "So?" Everyone decides to leave it alone.

Back at Avenger Tower, Bucky and Steve carried Y/N up to where Clint was with Natasha. They place her down on a bed and tie her from her ankles and wrists. Loki chuckles and when everyone stares at him he rolls his eyes and leaves. "I apologise for Loki." Thor told everyone. "Oh my god Millie!" Peter calls out and runs to the make shift cage. People giggle at him but Tony looks at him with a sparkle in his eyes. Bruce wanders over to Clint and shakes him awake. Bruce points to Y/N and Clint nods his head then goes back to sleep. "I have an idea," Pepper said walking into the room as she didn't come on the mission.

Rescue//Natasha x Reader-Book 2Where stories live. Discover now