chapter 65

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"What happened to you. You were missing for 9 years" a police officer says and my eyes widen in shock.

"9 years?" Bucky asks and the police officer nods her head.

"I went out of town. I didn't realise it was for 9 years" I say and she nods her head.

"And is this Sebastian Stan?" she asks and I look at him.

"Yeah. I went to a fan convention and spoke to him. We became really good friends" I say and she smiles.

"That's nice. Who are your parents?" She asks me.

"Robert" I blurt out. That was the first name to come to my head because dad is Robert Downey Jr.

"Robert...?" she asks.

"Downey Jr" I say and her eyes are wide open in shock.

"Do you have his number so I know your not lying" she asks and I facetime dad, Tony.

-On call-

Dad: Hey honey. You wanna come back already?

Me: No, this police officer wants to know that your my dad, you know, Robert Downey Jr.

Dad: Will you give the phone to the officer?

Me: Sure.

Officer: Hello

Dad: Hello officer. What's going on?

Officer: I just wanted to make sure you were really Robert Downey Jr. Your daughter is fine.

Dad: Oh, thank god. Well, make sure she goes home please. She was just visiting her old city.

Officer: Okay, sir. Thank you. Have a good day.

Dad: You too, officer.

She shut the phone and gave it back to me, letting us go. We left and went around town. We went to the 'mall' (as the Americans call it) that I went to for my birthday and everyone was swarming Bucky, thinking that he's Sebastian Stan. He just grabs my hand and runs away, losing the crowd after running around the place.

"Finally" he says but sees a group of girls come to him.

"Just bare it" I say and he nods.

"Hi, can we take a picture with you?" one girl asks and Bucky nods his head. They take a picture and one of the girls knock into me as she walks past.

"Ugh" I say.

"What?" he asks.

"Nothing" I say, shaking my head no "Oh, wait. I need to go get something. I'll be back" I say and leave him there. I go to a nearby comic book shop and look around. I pick something up but fall over when someone bumps into me.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the runaway loner" I hear someone say. I look up and see Justin.

"Leave me alone" I say and try to leave but he grabs my arm. I smack it away and try to leave again but some of his friends block the way "It's been 9 years of peace and you have to come and ruin everything" I say and he scoffs.

"More like 9 years of isolation. You don't have anyone" he says and my blood begins to boil.

"If we're gonna fight, let's at least take this outside. I don't want the owner kicking your asses out" I say and he does that Draco owl hoot laugh.

"The only ass that's gonna be kicked is yours" Justin says.

He tries to hit me but I block it. One of his friends hold me back while he punches me in the stomach. He punches me in the face and my lip starts bleeding.

"What's the matter. A little blood scares you?" he jokingly asks.

He punches me again and I yell in pain. I go in the state and start beating their asses, using my powers. They back away in fear as I fall to the ground exhausted. I hear footsteps coming closer and wait for pain but it doesn't come. Someone holds me in their arms and I look up to see Bucky.

"Is that Sebastian Stan?" someone asks and Bucky looks down at me.

"Are you okay? Doll, what happened?" he asks but I'm too exhausted to answer "Y/N?" he calls but I don't answer. I just look up at him to make sure he knows I'm fine.

"How do you know this asshole loner?" Justin asked, taking a step forward.

"This 'asshole loner' is my wife" he says and I hear murmuring.

"That girl has powers. She's dangerous. She's a freak" someone said and Bucky held me tighter.

"She's not a freak. Have you heard of special effects. She saw you here and wanted to scare you" he says.

"That's not special effects. She hurt us. We felt pain. She's dangerous"

"Don't talk to her like that. Don't you know she's Robert Downey Jr's daughter?" he says and I hear more murmuring.

"As if" Justin says.

"Well, firstly, since he works in the acting business, I can easily use fireworks to scare you off because you guys are so childish. Secondly, I am married to Sebastian Stan, and he works with my dad, that's how we met jackass. You shouldn't bully people, and I bet you, you guys will apologise and try to be my friend now since I am married to Sebastian and am related to RDJ!" I shout at them with the little energy that is left "Let's go," I said before I try to get up but fall down. Bucky picks me up bridal style and walks away.


It's been about a week and we are on a plane to New York. I heard there was a marvel meet and greet there so this is perfect, right? We have to meet 'dad' and explain everything to him, and possibly meet Sebastian Stan and make him so confused. Maybe even prank the rest of the cast with the two 'twins'. I go on my phone and see posts about me and Bucky. Sebastian actually commented on one of them. I check my messages and see that Bruce texted me. I quickly check it and my eyes widen in shock.


We have a problem. When you and Bucky went through the portal, the portal collapsed and got completely destroyed so it'll take a while to fix it. You might be stuck in this universe forever.

I quickly text him back about our problem and he texts back. 

'We need to play this as safe as possible' he says.

I say that I accidentally showed my powers in front of everyone but covered it up and am really worried if it happens again. He says that I need to have Bucky around me always in case I'm about to use my powers again. I agree. I quickly show Bucky the texts and he nods his head in understanding. From then on it's annoying plane ride. Yay.


We get off the plane and have pretty good disguises on, not gonna lie. We rent an apartment at a hotel and set everything up for the meet and greet. It's tomorrow. Me and Bucky get everything ready, disguises, well that's really the only thing we need.

"I have a plan" I say.

"Okay, run me through it" Bucky says and I sit on the bed in our apartment.

"Okay, so, we go to the meet and greet. Everything's normal. When the fans get to ask questions, we'll try to ask a question. If they let us, we'll say we have a really personal question. Hopefully, they'll let us talk to Sebastian one on two, okay? If they don't let us, we'll sneak backstage" I say and he nods in approval.

"This a very thought out plan" he says and I smile.

"I thought about it through the plane ride" I say and he chuckles.

"Okay, now lets get some sleep. We need to be ready for tomorrow" Bucky says and pulls me into bed. After a couple of minutes, I'm knocked out like a light in Bucky's arms.

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