chapter 33

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"They're not stopping" Peter said.

"Neither are we" dad said.

We were running and we each had a person to fight. It was all the same except I was fighting Pietro. I tried to hit him but he kept on speeding around me. I got fed up and tried harder. He stopped and started laughing at me. I clocked in a good punch and kick and smirked at him before running to find Peter. I saw Steve throw his shield at Peter's web so I ran to them. When I got there, Steve got his shield back.

"That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all" Peter said and I chuckled.

"Look, kid, there's a lot going on here that you don't understand" Steve tried to reason.

"Mr Stark said you'd say that. Wow" Peter said and webbed up Steve's shield, then his legs. He kicked Steve in the face and got up "He also said go for your legs"

"Hey, Peter. Listen to me, I understand how much you want to impress my dad but it shouldn't be like this" I say, trying to get through to him.

"You don't understand. That's the problem. You say you do but you don't" Peter said. I was gonna say something but Steve got up and scared me. He was trying to get his shield. Peter used his webs to hold him back but Steve flipped and got loose, grabbing his shield.

"Are you gonna help or not?" Steve asked, turning to me.

"Yeah, no, sorry. I'm just a little confused" I say.

Peter gets up and tried to attack but Steve hits him in the face with his shield.

"Stark tell you anything else?" Steve asked.

"That your wrong. You think your right. That makes you dangerous"

"Kid, the only thing that makes me dangerous is my anger, and I don't get angry easily. Take that as a warning" I say. He swings and tries to hit me but Steve blocks it.

"Guess he had a point" Steve said, looking at me. He threw his shield at the truck that was above Peter. It fell and Peter caught it "You got heart, kid. Where you from?" Steve asked.

"Queens" Peter said, struggling.

"Brooklyn" Steve said and ran away.

"Steve. Your just gonna leave him like that?" I asked him.

"Yep" Steve said and gestures for me to come. I quickly helped Peter and ran to Steve. I looked back and saw Peter look at me. I nodded my head and continued.


"We gotta go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now" Bucky said, holding my hand.

"We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision, you get to the jet" Steve said.

"No, I'll take Vision" I say, looking at Steve.

"You get to the jet! Both of you" Sam said "The rest of us aren't getting out of here"

"As much as I hate to admit it... If we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it" Clint said and I looked down.

"This isn't the real fight, Steve" Sam continued.

"All right, Sam. What's the play?"

"We need a diversion. Something big" Sam said.

"Scott?" I call.

"I got something kinda big. But I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half... don't come back for me" Scott said.

"He's gonna tear himself in half?" Bucky asked and I gave him a look.

"You sure about this, Scott?" Steve asked.

"I do it all the time. I mean, once. In a lab. Then I passed out. I'm the boss, I'm the boss, I'm the boss" Scott said in reassurance.

After a minute, Scott became huge and held Rhodey's leg, stopping him from going anywhere.

"I guess that's the signal" Steve said, looking at Scott.

"Way to go, Tic Tac!" Sam said and I chuckled.

I ran away from Bucky and Steve, looking for something to do. I saw Pietro was about to run to them so I quickly trapped him. He looked around confused till he saw me.

"Hello, princess"

"Princess?" Bucky asked, sounding kinda pissed.

"It's a pet name. I told him already that I have a boyfriend" I say, looking at Pietro. I start to fight him and he tries to run to Bucky and Steve but I stop him "Wait, we'll still be friends after this, right?" I ask, looking at him.

"Of course we will" he said and started attacking me again.

"Oh yeah, 'cause this definitely looks like friends" I say and he laughs.

We're still fighting when I see Vision going for Bucky and Steve. I quickly get away from Pietro and go to Wanda. She's holding up a building from collapsing and I help her. I scream and cover my ears when I hear an unbearable sound. I look up and see Rhodey. I push him away and fall to the ground, panting. Peter got hit and fell to the ground. So did Scott. I go to Scott first and check on him. I then go to Peter and he tries to attack me.

"Hey, hey, kid. Peter. I'm not gonna hurt you. Just listen to me"

"Your not gonna try to hurt me?" Peter asked. Bruh, that's what I just said.

"No, I'm not. Listen. Your done. Okay. Go home. I don't care what my dad says. Your going home now. Or I'm gonna tell May"

"She's right. Your going home" dad said from behind me.

"Oh my god, can I meet May?" I ask Peter.

"Not now, kid" dad says and I get up.

"Dad, I'm so sorry for this happening. I want you to know that no matter what happens, I love you" I say and hug him tight.

"Hey, I love you too" dad said and I started tearing up.

"I'm sorry about grandma and grandpa" I say, looking at him.

"Why are you crying?" dad asked.

"I never got to meet them" I say and pull back from the hug "See ya" I say to dad "Peter, go home, okay. Dad make sure he goes home" I say, help Peter up and fly away.

I go to Wanda and see her on the floor with Vision. I look up and see Rhodey going after the quinjet so I fly and go to dad while Sam goes to Rhodey. I look back and see a yellow light coming from Vision. I block Sam from the light and close my eyes but nothing happens. I open them and see the frickin beam is going through me. Sam ducks and the beam hits Rhodey. I immediately go for Rhodey. I fly down as fast as I can and put my hands out, slowing the fall only a bit.

"Rhodey!" I call out but he doesn't say anything. He hits the ground and I open my mouth in shock. I get there the same time as dad and he takes off Rhodey's mask.

"V, check for vitals" I say and she listens.

"Heartbeat detected" she says and I sigh in relief.

"Dad take off his suit. Now, please" I say and dad helps me take off his suit. I get some water and heal him as much as I can.

"Is he gonna be okay?" dad asked me and I nodded my head.

"Medical is on their way?" I asked and he nodded his head. Sam lands near us and I look up at him.

"I'm sorry" he says, I nod my head at him but dad blasts him, sending him flying back. I get up and check on Sam. He's fine so I go back to dad and Rhodey.

Vision comes and there is a dead silence. All I can hear is dad breathing heavily in anger.

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