chapter 32

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Me and Steve were in our suits and we looked around before running to the chopper. My suit looked like Nat's suit in Ironman 2. Just as we were there, dad shot something on the chopper and it was sparking. Rhodey came behind him and they both landed in front of us.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" dad asked Rhodey.

"Definitely weird" he replied.

"Hear us out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this" Steve said. T'Challa then came out of nowhere and stood near Rhodey. Pietro then came and stood next to dad.

"Hello, princess" Pietro said to me.

"I still have a boyfriend" I said.

"Captain, Miss Stark" T'Challa said.

"Your Highness" Steve said.

"You know, I was looking forward to meeting you because of what happened in the other world. But now I'm not so sure, maybe when this is over. Rest in power, king" I said and looked up to the sky (and see. Do you get it? Hint: it's bohemian rhapsody).

"Anyway... Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"

"You're after the wrong guy" Steve said.

"Your judgment is askew" dad said "Your old war buddy, and your boyfriend, killed innocent people yesterday"

"And there are 5 more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't"

"Steve..." Nat said "You know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" Nat asked. I looked at her and she looked back at me.

"All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos!" dad called. Someone stole Steve's shield and webbed up his hands. I instantly knew who it was.

"Nice job, kid" dad said.

"Thanks" Peter said "I could've stuck the landing a little better, it's just... New suit. It's nothing, Mr Stark. It's perfect. Thank you"

"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation" dad said.

"Okay. Cap. Captain. Big fan. I'm Spiderman"

"WHAT! The one time I could meet one of my other favourite characters, he has to think I'm a bad guy. Really dad. I love him, so much. He's just so amazing"

"You love me? I've never met you. Wait, did you say 'dad'?" Peter asked me.

"Oh, for God sake. I was from a different universe even though I belong in this universe and in the other universe, this universe is a series of movies. You are one of my favourite characters. And yes, I did say dad. I am Tony Stark's daughter"

"Mr Stark, I don't wanna fight your daughter"

"Yeah, don't fight her, just fight everyone else. Got it?"

"Got it, Mr Stark"

"You've been busy" Steve said.

"And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint... 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep... I'm trying to keep you from tearing the avengers apart"

"You did that when you signed" Steve said.

"Alright, we're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us, because it's us... Or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite" dad said.

"We found it" Sam said "Their quinjet's in hanger five, north runway"

Steve put his hands up and Clint shot inbetween his hands, breaking the webbing.

"Alright, Lang" Steve said. Scott turned normal size and kicked Peter in the face. He came to us.

"I believe this is yours, Captain America" Scott said and gave Steve his shield back.

"Rhodey, you wanna take Cap?" dad asked as he flew away towards Wanda and Clint.

"Got 2 in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes" Rhodey said.

"Barnes is mine" T'Challa said and ran towards Bucky.

"I got princess" Pietro said and ran to me.

He knocked me down several times but I trapped his feet in a layer of rock. I punched his stomach and got the layer of rock off his feet. He went to attack me and tripped me up. He punched me in the stomach.

"Payback" he said and smirked.

"Payback my ass" I say in pain.

We keep fighting when I see Peter climbing on the building that Bucky and Sam are in. I put a layer of rock on his feet again.

"See ya" I say and run to them.

"Are you serious?!" Pietro said from behind me and I nodded my head.

I start to fly to Bucky. When I get there, Peter is being geeky as usual.

"You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude" he said before Sam grabbed him and flew away. I ran to Bucky and made sure he was okay "You have the right to remain silent!" I heard Peter say and I laughed.

"That kid" I say and me and Bucky run.

Sam and Peter were having a go at each other. Bucky grabbed this big blue column and threw it at Peter. Peter missed and looked around as we hid.

"Hey, buddy, I think you lost this!" He said and threw the thing in my face. I yelled out in pain and touched my face. It hurt like hell and it was bleeding a lot.

"Shit!" I called out and Bucky looked at me.

"That guy is gonna pay for that" he said and almost ran off but I stopped him.

"No, Bucky don't. Please. He's just a kid and he wants to prove himself to my dad" I say and look at his eyes. He looks down and agrees.

"But if he does anything else, I'm gonna kill him, I don't care"

"Noted" I said and healed myself quickly before we went.

I saw Sam stuck, with webbing on his hands. Me and Bucky ran in front of him just before Peter kicked him so he kicked us too. We fell to the ground and he webbed up one of my hands.

"Guys, look, I'd love to keep this up, but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr Stark, so, I'm really sorry" Peter says but Sam clips Redwing to one of Peter's web shooters. Peter then crashes through the window and falls down.

"You couldn't have done that earlier" Bucky and me say at the same time.

"I hate you, guys" Sam said and I got up, took the webbing off my hand and helped Bucky and Sam.

We came out of that building and saw Steve. He gestured for us to come and we did. As we were running, Vision came in front of us and made a laser with the stone, stopping us from going.

"Captain Rogers... I know what you believe you're doing is right. But for the collective good... You must surrender now" Vision said as the whole Iron Man team, including Pietro, assembled.

"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asked, looking at the team before us.

"We fight" Steve said.

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