chapter 34

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I was sitting in a jail cell, away from everyone else, covered in scars. You see, Ross, the Secretary, thought that if they hurt me, I would spill the future. Turns out, I can be a lot more dangerous when I'm being tortured. I was all alone, in this jail cell, with bleeding wounds. That sounds fun. It had felt like hours until I heard the door open. I teared up and covered my face with my hands, scared for my life.

"Don't hurt me again, please. I don't know anything, I swear" I say, crying, waiting for the pain to come but it didn't. I started breathing heavily and couldn't control myself. I was taken aback when someone hugged me. I moved my hands down and saw dad. I started crying even more and hugged him back tight.

"What happened here?" dad asked me as he pulled away. He wiped away my my tears and cupped one of my cheeks in his hand.

"They wanted info on the future. They thought I knew about the future but I don't. You need to tell them I don't. I don't know anything" I said and looked dad in the eye. He nodded his head and looked at my wounds.

"Did they check this. This stays open any longer, this is going to get infected" dad said and looked back at me.

"They don't care about my well being, that's for sure" I say and look at my scars.

"It's gonna be okay. I'll come visit everyday" dad said and I smiled.

"Thank you" I said looking back at dad.

I hugged him again and started whispering in his ear.

"Dad, can you do me a favour? Could you get me some water, I haven't had a drink in a few days"

"Of course, sweet heart" he said and left. He came back with a cup of water and I drank half of it. I told him he can take it back and he did, but I sneekily emptied the glass before he left, hiding the water behind the camera. After a while, I used the water to break the camera and I used metal bending to create a hole in the wall next to me so it was leading into the sea. I got out, got rid of the remaining water that was in my cell and followed a quinjet I saw and knew was T'Challa.


I saw dad going into the building that Bucky and Steve were already in so I decided to follow him. I wouldn't know where I was going because it doesn't give you a map of the place in the movies. He was walking around and opened a door, seeing Steve and Bucky standing there in a defence position.

"You seem a little defensive" dad said and looked around a bit.

"It's been a long day" Steve said as both of them were walking towards each other.

"At ease, Soldier. I'm not currently after you" dad said gesturing to Bucky.

"Then why are you here?" Steve asked, still defensive.

"Could be your story's not so crazy. Maybe. Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise I gotta arrest myself" dad said, now leaning against a wall.

"Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork. It's good to see you, Tony" Steve said, finally lowering his shield.

"You too, Cap. Hey, Manchurian Candidate, your killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop..." dad says and Steve gestures for Bucky to put it down. I can feel he hasn't for some reason.

"Someone else is here. Behind that wall. Breathing is normal" Bucky said and I knew he was talking about me. I felt dad go into position and Steve put his shield up again.

"Calm down, it's me" I say and come into view.

"How the hell are you here? I literally saw in the cell 10 minutes ago" dad asked, really confused.

I looked at all of them one by one and saw Bucky smiling. I blushed a bit and dad looked at Bucky, then rolled his eyes. I walked forward, slapped him playfully on the arm and hugged Steve, then Bucky. I kissed Bucky's cheek and started talking.

"You know when you gave me water and I only drank half the cup?"

"Yeah?" Dad asked and his eyes widened "I wondered why the cup was empty"

"I used the rest of the water to shut down the camera, then I swam here"

"You swam from the prison cell to Siberia? Swam?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah. I have water magic, what do you expect?" I asked and hugged dad.

"Did you heal those scars?" dad asked.

"No, I forgot. I'll do it now"

"Scars? What do you mean scars?" Bucky asked looking between me and dad "Did you hurt yourself?" he asked me.

"No! I was tortured! That doesn't sound any better" I said, face palming myself.

"Who hurt you?" Bucky asked, angry.

"It was some guy working for Ross. Listen, that doesn't matter now, we need to go" I say and wait for Steve to go somewhere.


"I got heat signatures" dad said as we were walking into a room.

"How many?" Steve asked.

"Uh, one" dad said as I started walking around. Oh shit. Shit is gonna go down.

"If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep" Zemo said as we saw the dead Winter Soldiers "Did you really think I wanted more of you?"

"What the hell?" Me and Bucky said a the same time, even though it wasn't new to me.

"I'm grateful to them, though. They brought you here" Zemo showed his face and Steve threw his shield at the door but nothing happened. It just bounced off and came back to him "Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets"

"I'm betting I could beat that" dad said as we all were walking around the massive room.

"Oh, I'm sure you could, Mr Stark. Given time. But then you'd never know why you came" Zemo said. I wanted to punch him in the face. Scratch that, I wanted to kill him.

"You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?" Steve asked as he was right in front of the door that Zemo was hiding behind.

"I've thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you. I followed you. But now that you're standing here... I just realised... There's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes. How nice to find a flaw" Zemo said.

"Your Sokovian. Is that what this is about?" Steve asked.

"Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I'm here because I made a promise" there was a pause and Steve nodded his head.

"You lost someone?" Steve asked and I looked down. I wasn't ready for what was coming.

"I lost everyone. And so will you"

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