1. Birthday Girl

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"Hey Em, are you coming to the movies with us tonight?" Stephanie asked Emily as she was packing up her books that she would need for studying over the evening. "No, I have to study Coach says I'm behind in my English class I have to get my grades up if I want to make the track team." Emily said as she put her backpack on her shoulders. 

"Bummer, well, how bout this weekend?" Stephanie pushed on playfully punching Emily in the arm. "I don't know Steph, my mom I think she wanted to have dinner with me she says she had something very important to talk to me about." "Oh Em, come on, please. We never get to hang out, you're always so busy rehearsing for your acting class and now you are in track please." Emily tapped her finger on her chin thinking. "Alright, how bout this Sunday night, Mom wants me and her to spend Saturday shopping. Tomorrow night we are going to dinner for her to talk to me." 

"Alright. That's fine." Stephanie gave a disappointed moan like a small child which was a way to always make Emily feel bad. "I gotta go but have fun at the movies with um what's her face." "My name is Becky." Said a tall and broad shouldered girl with long black hair. "Sorry Becky." Emily said as she dashed out the door to head home early to get a good start on her studying. 

Emily was always a lover of running, and acting never a fan of studying. But her grades were important to her. Just a ten minute walk home she took out her key and unlocked the door to her two story home. Once inside she had set the alarm. "Security alarm locked." The Alarm panel spoke in its female British accent. 

Emily got upstairs to her room to shower before going into her room and studying. After her shower, she went downstairs to grab a water bottle and headed back upstairs to her bedroom. With her lamp on she pulled out her books and began reading on what her teacher assigned to her. 

Two hours had passed and Emily was getting bored. It was now around five her mother would be home soon. A snack couldn't hurt she thought. Emily marked her place in the book, she walked down the stairs into the kitchen getting an apple to eat since she was always having to watch what she ate for the track team. 

A few minutes later Emily's mom Samantha came inside. "Oh, Emily, hey, can you please help me with the groceries honey?" Samantha asked while trying to bring in the bags of groceries that were loaded on each arm. "Sure mom." Emily smiled. She went outside to see a box of pizzas and some pasta and salads for dinner. "Oh mom you shouldn't have!" She called out. 

Emily quickly brought in the food. "I knew you would love it." Emily ran and hugged her mom while getting the plates set up at the table. After setting the table and taking the food to the table Emily helped Samantha put up the groceries. After that, the two of them sat down together to eat and laugh. "So mom what is it you wanted to talk about with me tomorrow?" Emily asked while taking a big bite of her veggie lover pizza. "Uh, uh honey I told you it's a surprise." 

Tomorrow was Emily's birthday she would be turning fifteen. "Ok mom. Oh hey is it ok if I can spend some time with Stephanie on Sunday evening? She's been bugging me to hang out with her." Samantha thought for a moment before answering. "I guess it'll be ok. You do have a lot of extra activities and such since you go into acting class and I couldn't be more proud of you honey pie. I love you so much." Samantha got all mushy stroking her daughter's face. "Love you too mom." Emily said while laughing. After dinner they both cleaned the kitchen together before Emily went to go change into her pajamas and study some more before going to bed since she had school the next day. 

Emily's Alarm went off the next morning, she got up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and yawning she got up going into her bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. After leaving the bathroom she went back into her room to change into her school clothes. She wore a black skirt with a blue shirt and flip flops. She brushed her hair pulling it back into a pony tail and checking herself one last time before going downstairs to have her bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. "Do you have track practice after school today?" Samantha asked. "No I don't." "Ok good, now when I get home from work we will go out to dinner so please wear one of your nice dresses ok honey?" Samantha kissed Emily on her head with her mug of coffee in hand. "Oh shoot I'm gonna be late for work, don't be late for school baby doll, happy birthday sweetie."

Samantha ran out the door with her purse, her work bag and her mug of coffee starting her car and driving off to her job that she sometimes hated but loved at the same time. Emily still had time before walking to school so she figured she catch up more on her studying before leaving. 

An hour had passed and she saw the time. She wouldn't be late but she figured she would leave anyways to get there on time. She grabbed her backpack heading to school down the road. She met up with Stephanie at the front doors. "Happy Birthday Em. Here, I got you something." Emily smiled as she took the bag from her friend to find a hoodie of her favorite animal which was a tiger. "Oh Stephanie, I love it!" "I knew you would. I know love those gorgeous orange animals." Stephanie said while laughing. "Don't forget about me. I got you something to Emily." Emily turned around to see Becky behind her with a gift. It was a bit smaller but she took it anyways. It was a necklace of a flower of Emily's favorite color which was purple. "Oh Becky this is awesome thank you. I love it." 

The three girls smiled while heading off to class. Time passed and it was finally time to leave school. Emily walked home with her necklace on her and her hoodie over her shirt. She did her same routine as always, getting home unlocking the door setting the alarm and then showering before having a snack. She didn't have to study at all this weekend so she sat down and watched some tv for the next hour before getting ready to go out to dinner with her mom. She got dressed in a nice green dress with grey leggings and her black slippers. She had her hair curled and some makeup but not a whole lot. She sat on the couch watching tv for about half an hour till she heard her mom come in. "Honey you ready?" Samantha called. "Yes mom!" "Good, just let me freshen up and change real fast and then we can be on our way." Samantha came out in a red dress her hair also curled and her red shoes that went with the dress. They both headed out the door and drove to a fancy restaurant that was pretty expensive. "Mom this is amazing." Was all she she said before entering the eating establishment. 

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