13. Performances and Meltdowns

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Emily danced on a poll and sang a song on stage, makeup running down her face. She hated this life. Her body was exhausted for the constant performances she had been doing the past few weeks. Her body felt like as if it was shutting down. Today she had done at least six performances singing different songs and wearing more outfits each more revealing than the last. Now she was wearing black bra that barely covered her boobs and black thong with black high heels. Her hair was down with red lipstick. 

She felt one man touch her on her leg which made her shutter. The men cheered and whistled at her as she danced around acting like as if she wanted them but she didn't. One man even touched her on her ass as she screamed. She cried even more not wanting to live this life anymore. When the song finally ended she ran off the stage and ran to the nearest bathroom which was back stage. The freaks watched her feeling terrible for her. She threw up wiping the lipstick from her face. Her makeup all smeared all over her face making her look frightening. 

"It gets easier doll." She turned to see Kathy and Addy the conjoined twins she had met before. "How does this get easier?" She asked in anger. "Just be a good girl and do what Ryan says and you will survive through all this." Addy said. "I wish I was dead." Emily said looking at the sisters in anger. "Won't do you no good love." Said Kathy. "You two are too weak to even do anything right." Emily said as she pushed the twins aside and went into the dressing room to change. She changed into her grey leggings and a pink sweater. She felt better since she was no loner revealing herself. 

Ryan came up behind her with a gift in hand. "I got you something Emily." He said kindly. "I don't want your stupid gift Ryan." She said in anger. "Take it!" He said firmly. Emily took it and opened it up. It was a ring. "What is this?" She asked. "It's a way of me thanking you but to personally give you a reminder that you are my girl." He said licking his lips. 

Ryan put the ring on Emily's finger on her left hand. "Let's go home. I'm sure you would love to take a shower and wash up. You will have a few days off from performing Emily." Ryan said. Which made Emily feel a lot better. Ryan drove them home and Emily quickly locked herself in the bathroom and showered. When she came out Ryan had given her a glass of milk and then locked her in the closet again. She was then told to go to sleep since he was exhausted. Emily laid there for about two hours before thinking to herself she was either gonna die or die trying to get out and get help. 

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