2. Surprise

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Emily and Samantha had arrived at the fancy restaurant, feeling eager Emily begged her mom to tell her what her surprise was. Samantha knew that her daughter would be excited over this so she just eased her to the booth and asked for the best soda for her daughter. "Mom what's this about?" She asked. "Well honey, I have brought you here not only as a birthday dinner but it is that I got something to tell you." "What is it mom?" She asked getting more and more excited. "Hang on, over here Steph!" Samantha called. Emily turned around to see Stephanie and her mom coming over to the table. 

"Mom what is this?" Emily asked again. "Hey Em, well, my mom and I had been invited to have dinner with you and your mom because we got some good news." Stephanie said smiling. "What is it?" Emily asked. "Emily, honey Rose and I have been looking around for a place for you to get your acting career going when you get older. And there's this man who says that he has a studio over in the next few towns from here and for a good price I can let him have you for the summer so you take actin lessons at his camp." Samantha said with excitement. She handed Emily the pamplite. She looked over it to see a man by the name of Ryan Simmers. 

Ryan Simmer's Acting Studio.

 Teens ages fifteen and up ($200)

Adults ($400)

Emily went on to reading it more about this Ryan man.

'So you want to be an actor or actress, wonderful! Come to my studio located in Broadway town. Classes are from Monday though Friday's mornings from six in the morning to five in the evening. I will teach you what all you need to become the best actor or actress I can provide.'

'Please note that if you are the parent or guardian of the child, you must pick up the child every Saturday morning and bring them back by Sunday evenings. This is a summer lesson only. 

"Well, what do you think honey?" Samantha eagerly asked. "Oh, mom I love it!" Emily ran over hugging her mother and her best friend and her mother Rose. "Thank you all so much. This is so amazing." Emily said with a blushed face. The waiter came back with the drinks and took Rose and Stephanie's drink orders as well. Their food came out as soon as they had ordered what they wanted. Samantha then ordered a large Ice cream sundae for everyone to share at the table. 

"Mom this was an amazing birthday thank you so much." Emily said almost in tears. "Oh honey, I'm glad that you enjoyed it." Later that night they went home. Samantha headed straight to bed from an exhausting long day at work. Emily went to her room and put the pamplite in her drawer on her nightstand. She changed into her pajamas then went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and brush her hair. She hopped into bed day dreaming about her dreams of becoming an actress. 

She could see herself playing anyone she wanted in a movie, she dreamed of that day coming and now that it was becoming true it was enough for her to finally close her eyes and get some sleep. In a couple of months she would be going to that camp. Her mom had told her that she had already paid her way there and that Ryan seemed really nice over the phone. He said he would be happy to take Emily in and teach her how to be the actress she dreams of being. A bus would be coming by to pick Emily up on the first of June. So Emily had two months to get everything packed for that long two months of training. 

Stephanie said she would wait with her when the bus comes that early morning just to make sure she got on safe and sound. Stephanie was always so protective of Emily as well as Becky being protective as well. Becky was the tougher meaner one of the trio but she never picked on her friends but she would fight anyone who would do her friends harm. Stephanie was a tough brave soul kind of girl but very sweet and kind and a bit shy. But Emily loved them anyways. Emily slept with a big grin on her face that night believing that this was gonna be the best summer of her life. 

(Hello there readers, I just want you all to know that I do not condone any slavery or human trafficking or freak shows. This is just a book I came up with to write. And my apologies for any misspelling I might have done I'm trying.)

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