12. Meeting Adam

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Adam took in a deep breath before knocking on the door to Samantha's home. She opened the door to see Adam standing there. "Hello Mrs. Banks I am Adam the detective you spoke with? I am here to help you find Emily." Samantha cried as she welcomed him into her home offering him some coffee and some treats or snacks which he declined the food but took the coffee. He looked around to see beautiful pictures of Emily all over the home. When she was a baby, in her cute little toddler dresses and shoes. And pictures of her over the years. 

"She looks beautiful." Adam said with a smile. "Thank you, she was, I mean is." Samantha said tearing up. "It's gonna be alright Mrs. Banks." He said gently. "Please call me Samantha or Sam for short if you like." She said with a smile. "Tell me about Emily please." Adam said gently to a fragile Samantha. "Well, my little girl always wanted to be an actress. So I sent her to what I thought would be a summer camp acting lessons thing but I found out it was all false. When I went to go pick her up she was gone and the address was a fake as well." Adam looked over this Ryan Simmer's flyer and looked through the address and he realized where this place was. But Samantha already knew what he was gonna tell her so he didn't state the obvious. 

"mind if I can look at some more pictures of Emily please?" He asked. "Of course." Samantha got him all she could and he looked over them. "This name Ryan Simmers sounds very surreal to me but I can't recall why." He said. Then it clicked. " I know why." He said jumping out of his seat. 

"What is it?" Samantha asked. "Your daughter's looks, her personality they all match the other girls who have disappeared throughout the past decade. Probably has been going on a lot longer than this." Adam said. 

He than began to explain to Samantha his cases were just like this one. "So where is my little girl?" Samantha asked. "I'm not sure Mrs. Ba I mean Sam, but I can promise you one thing I will not rest till I figure this out." Adam sat back down looking at Sam placing his hand on hers. "I promise." He said seriously. 

"You got anywhere you might be staying so I can come for a visit?" Samantha asked. "No, I never stay in one place too long really but I'll be here longer than anywhere else." He said. "Stay here then I insist. I got a spare bedroom you can stay in and I can cook us up a good meal." Samantha said with a smile. Adm thought on it for a moment before agreeing. "Ok I guess it's better than staying in dumpy motels or sleeping in my car." He said. 

"Where's your family?" Samantha asked. "Don't got one. They all kinda just turned their back on me when I told them I was gonna be a private detective. And no wife or kids." Adam left to relieve himself in the guest bathroom and then Samantha showed him the spare room he could use it had an unused desk and a bed and a tv and a closet. Samantha brought him some extra pillows and blankets just to make him feel more comfortable. He thanked her and she was just happy to not be in a house alone. 

"Is this Emily's room right her across from me?" He asked. "Yes that's her room." Samantha said trying not to cry. "May I?" Adam asked. "Yes please have a look around." Adam went inside Emily's room to see purple walls with wind chimes hung around the ceilings decorated of fairies and unicorns. on her closet door were her favorite movie stars and on her mirror written in marker read in capital words with stars drawn on each four corners of her message to herself saying, 



He looked at that as sweet. He looked around her room to see that she was the type of girl who did study and worked hard in all her classes. Above her desk on a board were pictures of her nd her mom and friends. Her room was neatly kept except for some empty cans of soda in her trash can. Adam left it be as he looked around and saw in her closet some costumes from her plays she starred in and her track uniform nicely hung up in her closet. Her shoes kept in order in color codes. Her bed had been made and everything just looked nice. He could feel her personality shine in this room as Adam looked around more. She loved others and was trusting and always kind. He left her room and joined Samantha for dinner which she made spaghetti and garlic bread as well as salad. 

(Sorry it's been forever since I last wrote in here I may try to update every weekend.)

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