6. Finding Out

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Samantha drove all the way to where she was told the camping place would be or at least where Emily would have been dropped off waiting for her. She had really missed her daughter horribly but she wanted her daughter to be happy. It was about a two hour drive but she didn't mind it. Samantha had the whole day planned out. She wanted to pick up Emily and then take them both out for ice cream and since the circus was coming around which she and Emily loved she wanted to take her to it. 

She finally made it to the place but something seemed off. Samantha sat in her car for about thirty minutes then tried to text Emily but no answer. Not even an answer when she called. "Something isn't right." Samantha sat at the entrance of what looked like a camping area. So she decided to try and open the gates but they were locked. That's when she heard someone approach her. "Be gone lady, no one is here." It was an older man. "But that must be a mistake cause I have a daughter in this camping area." 

"Oh, no one has ever been here madam. No one has opened this camp site since the terrible terror over thirty years ago." Samantha could feel herself begin to panic. She started to be in denial at first but she couldn't open the gates. "Open them please sir." She begged. The old man came with a big set of keys. He opened the gates only to Samantha's horror the place was completely deserted. The camping grounds was nothing but all old buildings that were not in use anymore. Satanic symbols were around however and the usual graffiti around the place, no water, no lights and such. "Emily? Emily! It's mommy honey." She called out. "Lady no one is here, only trouble makers come here to do things but there is no child here." Samantha fell to the ground sobbing uncontrollably. The old man came over to pat her back. 

"My daughter she's missing. I gotta get home." Samantha slowly got up, she wasn't sure how she did it but she got back in her car and drove around looking for Emily but no matter where she went or how far she drove there was no Emily it's almost as if she never existed. 

She pulled out her phone to call the police reporting of Emily missing. She made the long two hour drive back home to find Stephanie and her mom Rose along with Becky waiting anxiously for Emily's return. "Where's Em?" Stephanie asked. "Yeah where is she?" Becky asked. 

That's when Samantha broke down crying. Rose came over to comfort her. "What's happened to Emily Sam?" Rose asked. "She's missing. This whole thing, girls it was a scam. Now Emily is gone!" Rose walked Samantha back to her home with Becky and Stephanie tagging behind crying. "Where is Emily?" Stephanie asked. The girls all rested in Samantha's home. Rose made everyone some tea when a knock came at the door. It was the police. 

They came in talking with Samantha having everyone else leave the room. "And so this acting lessons that you found for Emily? You didn't suspect anything before?" Officer Jinx asked. "I don't like your tone officer. As I've said before I had no reason to suspect that Emily would be taken like this. She always wanted to be a star and well I thought this would be good for her. But now she's gone." "You parents really should look into this more before sending your child out there." Jinx said. "Jinx!" Another officer spoke up. His name was Dinkers. "Get out of my house! Leave!" Samantha shouted. The two cops headed out talking amongst each other. "What do you think?" Jinx asked. "I think that maybe the mother had something to do with this. How can this be a scam? Come on." Dinkers said laughing. They got back into their car leaving. Only if Samantha knew that this would be the beginning of her struggles and troubles. 

(This is just the start of the wild chase of a life time that's gonna go on in this big book. Buckle up it's gonna get crazy people. LOL)

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