11. Steph and Becky

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'Yes.'- Steph

The girls texted each other again. They were yet again sneaking out to go find Emily. Becky met up with Stephanie up the road from their houses. They drove for about an hour and called for Emily and looked everywhere for her. Where could she be? "I've got some of our things packed just in case we might not be coming back any time soon." Becky said. "Ok." Stephanie said with a smile. 

As they kept on going on the road they had made it to where Emily was supposedly dropped off They knew that this is where Emily should have been taken. The camp was all abandoned so they checked again but not splitting up. They did what all Emily's mom had done and nothing. They spent the few hours checking and nothing. 

"she's gotta  here Becky." Stephanie said in tears. "I know, I know. We'll find her don't worry Steph." Becky said trying her own self to not break down. "Let's get back and do some research on this Ryan dude." Stephanie said drying her eyes. 

The two girls got back into their car and drove on home. While they hadn't noticed that they were being watched. A big guy got on his cell phone making a call to Ryan. "We got a problem." The mysterious guy said on the phone. 

Meanwhile both Becky and Stephanie had snuck back home. Becky snuck quietly into Stephanie's home they were lucky to not be caught a second time. In Stephanie's room upstairs the girls got inside changing into their pajamas. Stephanie got on her laptop looking up Ryan while Becky being a bit of a brainyack of the trio she used her magnifying glass to look at the flyer that Ryan had passed out to people. Finding fingerprints and dusting for them she could see only Ryan's fingerprints but this could be good for them. She used her skills to doing some digging and found him just like that. 

"What you got there Becky?" Stephanie asked. "Ryan has pretty odd fingerprints here, almost like as if it isn't his skin he's using something. I haven't gotten that far yet. But what have you found?" She asked coming over to Stephanie on her bed. "This Ryan dude, he doesn't seem to be all the much of a showman like we thought. See here? This website of his circus of freak shows? Turns out he's doing way more than that to manage his life style. I think he's a porn video guy or something. I'm not sure really but we'll just have to keep doing our digging girl." "All I can think is that we both are coming close to finding out that this Ryan dude isn't who he seems to be." Becky said with a smile. "Yep. Well I'm gonna try and get some sleep now. I haven't slept well since well..." "I know Steph me neither." 

(This chapter isn't as long but this was what I could come up with. I will be back to writing again soon on here. I'm so excited.)

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