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Cold. That's all I felt, nothing but cold. Maybe it was the snow I was tracking in. No. I needed to be out here.....

     Winter hit everyone hard this year in the minelands, [y/n] being one of those people who thought they had rations for the year coming but to there surprise they barely had enough to last 2 months, she had gotten up early that morning to start the much needed work to there home wether that be fixing the old worn tiles of there small cabin hutch, feeding the few survivoring of life stock she had. But the most important thought on the young adults mind was food.

    She had gotten most of her gear ready that evening for hunting, [y/n] lived in a area where there wasn't a lot of live stock or for that matter wild animals, but the female did see a few sheep hear and there before hand. With that mindset the female walked quietly throughout the snow bit Forest, her footsteps leaving her tiny footprints behind soon to be undiscovered by the pounding snow that rained on top of the female. Her bow at the ready as he stood close behind an old fallen tree in an open field, she pulled the arrow back steady, her ragged breath along with the Chattering f her teeth from the less mercyful snowfall resting upon her furred coat. Just then a wild we'll build sheep came unknowingly into [y/n]'s line of sight. This was her time. She aimed quickly seeing the wild ram perk up from the shuffling heard in the meadow. As soon as the sheep looked up it was already dead and an arrow sticking straight to the board of the ram.

    The sky was soon dark, nothing but the white snow to guide [y/n] throughout the trail home, she wouldn't say she was lost but.. she was. The snow had covered her trail and with the cold carcass of the ram upon her shoulders, Didn't help the female become any warmer than what she was when leaving her home. She shivered more than she had one hunting the ram her coat over her face now trying to stay as warm as possible but with snow fall like this.. that was going to be way harder than what she expected.

  Her arms slowly were starting to go numb from being exposed to the cold even in her coat she felt like an icicle. Her face wasn't much better, and neither were her legs, considering her feet slowly got wet from her old worn out haunting boots or even her wet jeans sticking to her shivering legs.

Thinking clearly was getting harder and harder, and so was walking. Eventually, her legs started giving out, and she feel onto the wet ground on her knees. She instantly put there hands out to catch the fall in the snow to stop herself from face planting, making the ram fall next to her in the snow as well this also succeeded in making them more numb. She just felt so cold, so tired, he just wanted to go to sleep and wake up in his home by the fire, ready to go feed her animals and not have to worry about the consequences, like the old days.

She had slowly passed out but before welcoming the warmth she wanted she heard crunching in the snow ahead of her, she tried to call out to who ever was there or whatever was there but it only came out as a whimper, her hand that was reaching out to the sound slowly dropped as the female slowly closed her eyes welcoming the snow, her deathbed.. that was till a figure grabbed the back of her coat, lifting her with ease up and over there shoulder. Her head hangs low on the backside of this person's back. Before again slipping into darkness the only sight she got was the bright vibrant color of red.

My wildflower.. [technoblade x reader]Where stories live. Discover now