Am i Truly safe..

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[y/n] sat there fork in hand staring down at her almost full plate, they had only taken a few bites before her thoughts overwhelmed her to the point of feeling sick to there stomach. Techno had seemed to notice the girls frustration threw here sudden pale face.

    "[y/n]- love please what's wrong" the pig like male spoke with great concern reaching his hand out to touch the girls lonely hand that rested on the table next to her untouched food, [y/n] looked up slightly feeling dizzy this making her start to hyperventilate. She was having a panic attack..

   [y/n] tried standing up quickly completely forgetting she was crippled now, she rose up making her wheelchair fly out under her. [y/n] slammed onto the floor letting out a yell of pain but it came out as a choked sob, techno wasn't fast enough to catch the panicked girl but he was quick to the ground pulling his flower to him cradling them close to his chest. "[y/n]! please clam down please! What's wrong" he spoke quickly tears almost ruining into his eyes before he forced those emotions away only caring about his beloved flower.

   Techno's thoughts where cut short by [y/n] wheezing out and sobbing that she was sick a mix between pleases and even more sobbing, the hybrid was quick to hold her up making sure to watch out for her fresh wound he quickly rushed himself and [y/n] to the nearest bathroom. There he sat the sobbing girl over the toilet hearing her dry heave, he gently combed his hands and threw her hair to hold it back from getting into the soon wasted that ended up in his toilet. [y/n] once done throwing up all that was left was her tear stained face and glossy eyes. Techno sighed softly before reaching down again to lift the girl, setting her down on the nearby tub.

"Now. Please what's got you so worked up." He sternly said almost like he was talking to a upset child, [y/n] wiped her eyes hard shaking even more before feeling her hands being pulled away from her eyes to be set in the males own hand, he gently grabbed a wet rag looking back at the upset girl, "I'm going to clean you up. Alright?- just shake your head please. No talking for now flower." He softly said almost a whisper to her. They soon understood what her captor was doing, she nodded a yes to the male while slowly closing their eyes as a way to steady their breathing back to their normal type.

   After getting [y/n]'s face back into its beautiful state well back to watch techno thought, after Discarding the use up washrag, he gently kneeled down between [y/n] thighs while placing his hands on both of there face softly running his nailed thumbs across her face. "Love let's just rest a moment. Then we'll nudge you back into eating today" he spoke softly before getting a response he rose up with [y/n] in his arms holding them almost like a mother with her child.

    Once getting situated onto the couch, [y/n] already somewhat half asleep as he rested her on top of his chest, making sure she was comfortable was his main goal he knew she'd been through hell not helping one bit. He has played a movie in the background to distract himself from the ongoing situation but he just couldn't stop himself from combining his hands and threw their soft somewhat tangled hair, making sure not to pull hard as he tried to untangle the knots laying within his flowers hair.

   If only this could last forever but all good things must come to end, or could he fight the inedible doom that lay in his future..

My wildflower.. [technoblade x reader]Where stories live. Discover now