Happy life?..

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[y/n] awakes to feel the cuffs on his wrists being removed, she slowly opens her eyes to see there captor, and the memory of what he did yesterday fills [y/n]'s mind. She flinches when the man gently touches her face. A small sigh being earned from him as he stands back up. She rubs his wrists and sits up slowly being careful to put a hand in her wound before sitting as straight as they could, legs still bound to the table. Their captor sits down in the chair, a paper bag beside him, grease soaking through the side slightly. He must have seen [y/n]'s eyes staring at the bag because he speaks. "Hungry?" She gave a small nod  then the man continued "here you can eat while I talk, but you have to listen, am I clear." his voice was threatening. But once he got a reply back He tosses the bag, [y/n] opened it to find a breakfast sandwich. It looks homemade. She starts to eat, not noticing how hungry she really was till taking the first bite and looks over at the pig like man. Inviting him to finally start. himself
    "well, I don't want to keep you in this locker room forever." The female slowly tilts her head before groaning at the pain she felt making her slouch over in the dull pain her thoughts running wild, is he letting me go? "i have some rules if you want to come upstairs. ok?" [y/n]'s heart drops a mix of terror and excitement filling her mind. Maybe she could escape now. They stare at the man waiting for more words to come. "Alright I'm taking your silence as a yes, there's only four rules. And they are pretty simple ones." [y/n] has already finished their breakfast, the man takes the bag away. "Rule one, follow all orders I give you immediately. None are optional." he pauses until She gives him a small nod. "Rule two, you will wear what I give, whether that be you in old worn clothes or completely naked you need to be more comfortable around in your body and me" [y/n] gives a slight look of disgust but nods again. "Rule three, the room with a black door does not concern you. The door is always locked but don't even dare try to enter." His voice is stern and cold. "W-Why?" She asks, her voice shaking slightly. "Because you do not need that room. You would only hurt yourself" he says matter of factly. The young girl looked at him with confusion but nodded anyway, that still didn't stop her to wonder what could be in the room. But she wouldn't let herself ponder it any longer they would be getting out of here soon anyway, she then looks back up as the hybrid man speaks again "and finally rule 4, don't try to escape, you won't succeed and it would be a shame for me to have to lock you back in here forever." his voice calms for the threats he was making. [y/n] gulped and nodded.

     "Do you have any questions for me?" the man asked sitting back in the chair. "Uh, yeah.... What is your name?" the man started laughing and [y/n] started shaking with fear. "HAHAHA I totally forgot to tell you huh?" he said only calming down his laugher mid-sentence "you can call me techno." As he responded before she could think it through "there's no way that's your name" Techno's body stiffened at the retort "maybe not, but that's the name I gave you. It's the name you will use." his voice bordering on angry. "Oh, ok I'm sorry" [y/n] mumbled looking down. After a moment she perked back up "I have another question" Techno nodded for him to continue "where excally are we- I mean, your house at.." she said this knowing he would be long gone before that happened. But [y/n] wanted to see how much empathy this 'Techno' had. "uh yeah,no I won't tell you that but your in the middle of nowhere love." The female slouch again at the comment her mind still flooding not knowing if the male was lying to her or not. "Well anyway, if you break any of the rules there will be punishment. How harsh depends on the crime obviously. So... ready to go up?" [y/n] blinked away the tears and forced a smile. "Sure techno" internally he grimaced at the name but knew for now he had to keep it up.

   Techno hummed quietly as he undid [y/n]'s ankles, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't excited for her to see his house. He helped Her stand on slightly wobbly legs and led them out of the locker with his hand wrapped tightly around There wrist. Before setting the girl on a plush chair "stay I have cloths for you." He simply said before walking off to a wardrobe, he dug around before returning with a pair of black cotton shorts and sweater. Putting them out for [y/n] to reach, as she took them her gaze landed on the male before sighing knowing he wouldn't let her have her privacy to change. Once dressed he leads Them up the basement stairs onto the white tile floor of his large hallway. One side covered in windows into the large enclosed yard blocked on three sides by the white exterior walls of the house covered in windows. The last side of the yard was blocked by a large cement wall, it looked out of place and new. [y/n] shuddered, Techno assuming he realized that the wall was for him. Then tech led Them into the kitchen, it was large and had nice appliances, but the trash cans were filled with door messy old food products and other store bought boxes. Techno was a great cook, he had even struggled making [y/n]'s breakfast. He grinned when he saw The girls eyes thinly veiled excitement at the huge kitchen.

   Techno lead him through the living room and dining room. He showed them multiple large bathrooms. A computer room, but the wifi router was missing, obviously. Techno knew that [y/n] wasn't quite happy to be here yet, so he had hidden lots of things. Like the wifi router and all the knives. He wanted to trust The female but knew he couldn't yet. Soon he thought to himself as they reached the last room of interest. "So here's the bedroom" he spoke as the lead them in still holding her wrist but less tightly than when they first came upstairs as [y/n] had been behaving. His large bed in the center of the room and his wardrobe in the corner were the only things in the room. He never needed clutter. He didn't even have a bedside table. [y/n] looked up at him "this house is big, what do you do for a living?" the question seemed genuine so Techno answered honestly "I get paid to, well not let others have a great day plus a small side hustle. But being paid is a big money maker" he responded. He released [y/n] who quickly took a couple of steps away, hugging herself awkwardly. "Well there are more rooms, but you won't need any of them you can look around whenever." "except for the one with the black door," The woman responded with a nervous chuckle Before the male nodded and walked off to the computer room. Deciding to do some coding to relive some stress.

  She had wandered the halls for an hour or so, noticing strange things about the massive empty feeling house. All of the exterior windows had blackout curtains locked onto them, so she wouldn't  wave for help. All of the exterior doors also had keypads on them all with the same 4 numbers faded from use. 2467, she burned them into his mind even though he didn't know the order there was supposed to type them. The black door also had a keypad. But none of the keys were wethered, the numbers weren't even labeled on the pad. Just 9 black buttons poking slightly from the door. She wanted to inspect closer but didn't want to risk angering techno. He stayed out of the computer room where you could hear Texhno typing away [y/n] fell asleep on the large couch in the living room.
[y/n] soon woke up to feeling a kiss being planted on his lips. She tried to jerk his head back and look up but found her head tightly to the couch with a hand covering his eyes. They started to thrush against the lips of the man, who chuckled and pulled away keeping his hand over The girls eyes. "Sorry, you looked cute. No need to make a fuss about it" he said as [y/n] pulled at his hand. After a moment the hand released, and to There slight disappointment to see the tusks and pig like male  above her. She glared up at the male with hatred and wiped her  lips on there arm.
    "Anyway it's about dinner time, I got some plenty of stock and used that ram to good use while you were asleep so you can cook'' techno states as he starts towards the kitchen. [y/n] jumps up and follows him "you want me to cook for you?" They were pissed off from what Techno had just done. "Well, yeah. I don't know why you're complaining you looked pretty impressed earlier and maybe compared to your shit living this must be heaven. Besides, I can barely cook right at all." he responded.  [y/n] hated he was right, they did want to cook, to do something for the first time in days. To use this amazing kitchen. When they reached the kitchen the piglin sat at the kitchen island and watched  [y/n] as she assessed the kitchen. They had plenty of ingredients and appliances. But no knives. In the whole kitchen, there were no knives. "What do you want me to make?" She asked dream not bothering to turn and look at him. He would only see porcelain anyway. "Uhh, do you know how to make soup?" Techno asked. "Sure,"  [y/n] noticed that the meal wouldn't require the use of a knife to make or to eat, she wondered if it was on purpose.
After a while of the male silently staring into  [y/n] back as she cooked the meal was done. They served enough for Techno then himself. They handed Her captor the bowl, then waited to see if techno would eat here or go to the dining table. Techno stood and walked past smelling the bowl. The dining table it is  [y/n] thought as they followed with her own food. They sat across from each other at the small 4 person table. It was the smallest thing in the home and the only thing that looked loved. It had stains and scratches  [y/n] even noticed a couple of small blood stains on the old wood. Techno started to eat then let out a noise. A low moan deep from his throat "this is REALLY good  [y/n] ... thank you."  [y/n] couldn't help but smile at the compliment. It was pretty good food. The two finished the rest of their meal in silence. By the time  [y/n] had cleaned up the kitchen and packed up the leftovers in the fridge. It was getting late, techno had yawned a few times. "I think it's bedtime [y/n] ," he said as he stood from the counter and stretched his arms out. He started to walk towards the bedroom but paused when he realized  [y/n] wasn't following. "That means you too dear" he turns around to face [y/n] "I U-Uh don't want to go in there" She stuttered out. They was terrified. After yesterday's events, they were afraid Techno would do something similar, or worse. "First off that was an order. Second, off I know you've had a tiring day. We aren't doing anything tonight. Now, let's go" he grabs The girls arms and pulls him along.  [y/n] whimpering slightly at the tight grip. She then crawls into the bed slowly.  [y/n] going to his dresser and pulling out a pair of shorts. Techno removing his hoodie and T-shirt, throwing them into a pile on the floor.  [y/n] gasped and pushed there face into the pillow underneath them before her eyes saw techno take off his jeans. He heard The male chuckle and peeked out from the fabic when he heard the door open. Techno who was only in a pair of shorts was walking out of the room holding his clothes. 30 seconds later he returned without them. [y/n] turned away as He had crept into the bed. To her  horror, she felt a large arm drape over her exposed body. They stayed perfectly still for what felt like hours but they couldn't be sure since there was no clock in the bare room. After a while, the sleeping Techno rolled onto his back and his arm fell off  [y/n].  [y/n] knew if they were going to escape now was the best time. She started to hype herself up in there head before slowly creeping out of the bed.

My wildflower.. [technoblade x reader]Where stories live. Discover now