What am i to do with you

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((Technos POV))

Techno woke to the feeling of [y/n] leaving the bed. He pretended not to wake as he listened to the fear in [y/n] breath. Techno silently hoped She was just trying to go to the bathroom and wasn't really dumb enough to try and escape on the first night. But when techno heard them opening the cupboard and staging clothes out he knew what She was really doing.

[y/n] left the room and techno waited until he heard bare feet walking away. He quietly got up and put on some clothes. Then snuck into the hallway to watch [y/n] try to escape. He decided it best to let Them fail, that way she would never try again. He neared the front door to see The female collapsed in front of the door, breathing heavily. After a minute or two, [y/n] stood shakily and reached for the door panel. She pressed a button and techno heard the familiar chime of a 6, They jumped back at the noise. It was hard for techno to not laugh at the girl. He heard the chime of 7, 50% right? He wondered how [y/n] did that. He couldn't stop a smirk from growing across tusks lips as he heard a 2 ring out. It was wrong, [y/n] would set off the alarm. He could hear the deep breath She took before pressing the 4, even from across the large room.

The loud alarm rang through the house, he expected The gurl to turn around or run, but she only started pawing at the now useless buttons. Techno stalked up behind the girl and grabbed them by the throat spinning them around and pinning her to the door. Once [y/n]'s face turned a bright red and there eyes started to droop techno released her. He didn't like hurting The girl but he had to, [y/n] had to learn from tonight.

After a bit of taunting techno scooped The dining girl up and started to take her away, the desperate cries for forgiveness started to get to him. By the time Techno had made it to the basement door he had an idea, a sick disgusting idea. But it would work, then he and [y/n] could move on from this. [y/n] seemed too eager to accept an offer that she was warned she wouldn't like, but Techno chose not to worry about it. "ok then, don't fucking move I'll be right back" he warned [y/n] and walked off. He retrieved his phone from the kitchen and called his brother.

"Hey, Wilbur I need a favor. Remember you still owe me, I'm the only reason you still have a license" he said reminding the man of his help years ago "it's not like I still practice anyway, but whatever. What do you want me to do?" Wilbur responded bitterly. "Remember when we used to talk about catching someone, well I finally did it" "I'm not that person anymore" hate-filled His brothers voice, but Techni didn't care. He could end his brother , and Wilbur knew it. "Di-did you hurt her?" Wilbur uttered after a moment sounding nervous. "No not that much, I gave them a name butnothing else, but I need you to." Techno said casually "what, what does that even mean, I'm not going to torture this kid for you Dave" Techno's head jerked at the use of his name, Wilbur was one of the very few people who knew that name. "First off its techno, you know that. Second off, you're not torturing him, you're performing an operation." the line was silent for 20 seconds before Wilbur responded, voice filled with fake confidence, but Techno could hear the fear with each little shake and waiver. "What do you want me to do to them?" Techno grinned knowing this was a yes. "You are going to bring your supplies, and you are going to amputate her leg. Oh and bring me a bunch of blank oil-based injection fluid. I've got to give them some fake medicine." "F-Fine, ill be an hour" Wilbur mumbled and hung up.

Techno hated spanking his flower, each cry from them made him shudder. But it was for the best so he did. Once that was finally over Techno decided to treat [y/n] to a bit, as an apology. She looked terrified as [y/n] was blindfolded, but that was only to hide his transformation. He formed into an almost normal human. No tusk no pig ears.. just normal. Holding His flowers hands so she couldn't remove the blindfold, Techno started to kiss them. [y/n] tried to struggle away but failed. [y/n]'s mouth opened, he was sure it wasn't an invitation but he went in anyway. Techno was having the time of his life, while They were squirming uncomfortably. Techno was disappointed when the doorbell rang. He knew his flower would hate him more after this, but it had to be done. "I guess Wilburs here now" he transformed back into his regular form and took the blindfold off [y/n] who looked disappointed. "How do you even smile with tusks.." Her question surprised him, not thinking of a better answer he responded "because you don't need to know, now let's go."

The pair walked to the door [y/n] tailing behind him slightly. Techno opens the door and ponders what the new door code should be now that [y/n] knows the old one. There His brother stands, with his bag, his face swallowed from crying. Well, he would just have to get over it. Techno stuck out a hand to him, but His brother stormed past toHis flower. Hugging them tightly and whispering to her. When Wilbur pulled away [y/n] looked confused and scared, at least more than she did before. "Are you ok [y/n] ? What did he say?" he said her name but the question was more for his brother. "I was only comforting the girl Dave , she looked terrified, and she's shaking!" Techno could sort of forgive the use of his old name over the phone but not in front of his flower. [y/n] was never supposed to hear that name. He slapped Wilbur, who handled it well. "She's fine. Now hurry up and get started"

once [y/n] was asleep he came back in the room to tell His younger brother where to cut, then left again. But he stayed close enough to hear if Wilbur was misbehaving. Once it was done Wilbur came and sat near techno, but kept his distance. "It's done, just promise me you'll take care of the wound. I really don't want to have to come back here and cut more off" he said with a groan. "Ok, did you get me the dud medicine?" Techno asked him "yes I did, but you are going to tell me what it's for before I give it to you." he demanded "ok, I'm going to give it to them if they misbehave instead of regular pain meds." Wilbur grumbled but nodded giving him a small bag full of bottles.

"looks like he's awake, please let me talk to him first 'Techno" Wilbur said as he left the room. Techno heard talking, but couldn't hear the words. When His brother came back he was crying "I can't believe you made me do this to them" he hisses at His brother before storming for the door. Techno walked into the room and saw the finished job for the first time. It looked sort of surreal, but techno knew he could finally relax. "hey [y/n], I don't know what he said to you. But I did this because I love you" he said, trying his hardest to be comforting. "it's going to be ok and now we never have to worry about rule 4 again" [y/n] stayed still, Techno wasn't sure if His flower knew what happened yet.

That suspicion was confirmed as [y/n] weakly croaked out "what did you do?" Techno sighed and helped Her to sit up. Techno knew They could see it because her tired body Stiffened. "I can trust you now that you can't run away" Technospoke quietly into his flowers ear feeling small pangs of guilt but he pushed them away. Ream was surprised when [y/n] started to scream, but she shouldn't have been. Once She passed out he gently carried him to the bedroom and laid him down. Techno sat next to [y/n] and watched her, she looked so peaceful like this.

My wildflower.. [technoblade x reader]Where stories live. Discover now