Oh, have the tables turned.

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((Big warning for this my loves))


[y/n] looked down at there shaking hand opening there hand in what seemed like slow motion watching the pink hair fall onto her lap and Missing leg. Before clamping her shaking hand again before to only look up.

    Techno's breath was ragged when he was covering the side of his head with both of his hands almost over his right eye, [y/n] could slowly see the details of red over the males hands and face with blurry eyes from crying. She barely had time before techno stood up almost like he had forgotten [y/n] was even on his lap. [y/n] in her state tried standing up but that work out as she twisted on her heel landing on her back on the lonely coffee table letting a cry from the impact of hard wood against her back and head.
     Techno on the other hand was yelling and breathing more  Erratically as he looked at his nailed hand to find blood. HIS own blood. He knew she didn't mean it but seeing his own blood was making his head fuzzy, like he was underwater alone and not in control..

[y/n]'s head was filled with thoughts that what she did in her mantic state. She was done for.. she takes a quiet deep breath before trying her hardest to role over onto her stomach. She had finally did the painstaking task before hitting the ground using her forearms to crawl across the carpet she needed her wheelchair or hell even those crutches as they made her way to the metal chair stub rubbed across the carpet making the bandages fall off. Her stitched coming undone and bleeding out onto the carpet but she didn't seem to notice due to Adrenaline.

   [y/n] was a finger length away from her chair she had to up reach a little further and she'd be able to get somewhat away while being trapped in this hell hold. As she barley touch the cold metal of the chair She flinched in fear and pain making her push the car away just out of her reach. She felt herself roughly be pulled away by her severed leg. She didn't even have time to register the pain of her ripped flesh as he was thrown over Techno's shoulder with little regard for her safety or comfort.
As she was carried away from her chair, [y/n] slightly put ther together and silently prayed to whatever God would listen.

  The house practically shook as Techno slammed the girl onto the hardwood of the dining table. [y/n] moaned in pain as her  head cracked against other hard surface, making er head spin.

She felt weight on his hips, as Techno pinned him down. [y/n] raised her hands in a pitiful attempt to defend themselves, but Techno quickly pushed the girls shaking hands to the table.

[y/n] ears rang as her cruel captor gave them a hard blow in the side of there jaw. The taste of metallic blood filled her  mouth as one of her canine teeth were knocked out of there skull.
[y/n] was in so much pain that he couldn't even feel the slight pinch of a needle sliding into her neck before she passed out.

As [y/n] awoke, she immediately began crying as she felt sharp, fiery pain in her left knee and body. She nearly screamed when she felt something caress her face.

"Wakey wakey, flower. Master's got a big surprise for you!" Techno said in a sickly sweet voice as he sat on the side of [y/n] in a metal chair.

[y/n] let out a choked sob in response.

"Awww. Now, tell me what you're crying about,flower?"


"Well, beauty is pain, my love." Techno simply said, before ripping the covers off thegirl, revealing what he had done to his poor flower.

[y/n]'s eyes widened in horror and as she noticed the bloody gauze bandages binding her already severed leg, not to meation her chest, hips, and her only good leg.
Her body was broken...
"Now you're definitely not going to break anymore rules my flower." Techno said with a sadistic smile, as he started caressing her un bandaged hip.

[y/n] began to scream. She screamed for a long time, as she was horrified by the mutilation that had been done to them.

When [y/n] eventually stopped her screaming and wailing, she slumped down into the metal table, her eyes wide with horror, and drenched with sweat.

Techno continued to smile at the newly disabled flower, cradling her chin in his palm before planting a kiss on her tear-soaked cheek.

[y/n] couldn't even fight back as she leaned over the table and vomited on the cold stone locker room.


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