Oh wonder

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Wilbur quickly rushed into the dark locker room to the corner of the long walk in the room, he slid onto the floor when he kneeled down to cradle the girl In his arms. "[y/n] please- god I'm so sorry-" he ran slightly feeling his face get red hot in sadness before feeling his eyes start to well up with fiery hot tears.

Wilbur gently sat the girl back on the floor before taking his black hoodie off before carefully lifting [y/n]'s arms up to pull the fabric over the girl's shaking body, he then brought the girl back into his arms watching her face Squish into his warm chest. " I shouldbe came earlier, but now look at you- god I'm so stupid." He took a deep breath hearing [y/n] mumbling into his t-shirt. "Please what happened" he turned the small girl's face so she was looking at the young Brits face.

"I hurt myself.- I lashed- out I did this.." he softly said almost a whisper to herself Wilbur watched the girls eyes blink slowly from tiredness or hell even the blood she lost when techno attacked her. Wilbur buried his head in her neck feeling really how cold the female was shocking him the most. "No nothing you did was deserved.. I- I need to take you up stairs to my father." He was soon cut off by the female "f-father?" She nodded before continuing "he's going to check you out. I'm staying for a while [y/n] I'll make sure nothing happens I promise." He unhooked himself from the females weak grip to rise up cradling the girls body as close to himself as he could without hurting her or making her too uncomfortable.

Wilbur made his way slowly up the creaky wooden steps before getting to the stop to shut the door softly with his foot, the sounds Alerted his father making him look up from patching appointments to look at his younger son and the small framed girl in his arms. Techno as well looked over before getting up to raise up to take [y/n] away from his brother to only be pushed down back into his chair by his fathers wing. Techno had sniffed the air making him cringed when he no longer met the smell of his and [y/n]'s intertwined scents, he only found his brother's heavy scent mixed with his flowers. This made techno growl slightly at the action, he knew what his brother was doing. He needed to stop it at once, he rose again this time more his tail flicking in anger towards his brother who had taken a step back his eyes slits in anger.

Phil sighed before roughly shoving his oldest back into the chair making it slide on impact and glaring at his youngest making his son realize what he actually as doing before nodding an apology, Phil then turned his head to techno pointing a finger at him while speaking "you will not ruin what I'm doing so help me I will report all of this. Every last bit. Do you understand Dave" techno went to growl at his father which only earned him a smack in the head from his fathers heavy gray wings ''let me ask again mate. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME DAVE!" He yelled slightly as the male was getting annoyed with his son's attitude already. This action earned him a slow nod from techno which was all he needed before walking over to Wilbur to help out with the girl.

Wilbur walked with his father to the dining room table bending over slightly to put the girl on the table but was interrupted by the girl clinging onto him as best she could she then began begging as pleading to not be hurt again, Wilbur quickly rose up holding [y/n] close again and looking at his father in concern, "hey mate can we sit you down on the couch, nothing bad is going to happen mate." He spoke softly gently holding wilburs shoulder leading the boy to the couch, letting him set the girl on the couch as carefully as he could but that didn't stop the pain she felt making her hiss out in pain.

Everything felt heavy to [y/n] almost muffed, not noticing when Phil had asked if it was okay for him to look over the wounds she had. Everything felt so numb.

The ringing came back to her the pain was shouting up her leg even her mouth where her missing tooth had been before it was knocked out.

[y/n]'s eyes opened slightly to see a man pouring liquid on a rag before looking over to the side to see Wilbur, who was this man?...

When did Wilbur get here? Had she fallen asleep?

A warm hand on there back.

"[y/n] - [y/n], are you with me?" Wilbur asked, slightly shaking the girl.

The girl winced a bit, Wilburs warmth bringing more awareness to their mind. The numb feeling reeling back slightly, the flaring in their side registering when Wilbur touched it briefly.

[y/n] let out a pain filled cry, shifted slightly away from Wilburs hand. "Shit, holy shit -" Wilbur muttered. [y/n] opened her eyes slightly to meet Wilburs own hazel orbs flashing in concern. "We need to look at your back [y/n] is that okay."

[y/n] was rolled over onto her stomach with Wilburs hoodie lifted up so he could look over her skin and mussels. The sight made both males gasp from the bruising and wells left on the girls back, from being slammed [y/n] had broken blood vessels in patches from the impacts. Wilbur ran a hand lightly over the wells but even with the softest touch she yelled out and arched her back to get away from the pain, this making Wilbur retract his hand with a string of apologies.


[y/n] woke up slowly. Consciousness climbing up the rings of a later, coming moment by moment.

She noticed a few things first. The pain in their side was subdued. She was in some sort of bed. The ringing in her ears had stopped, There head felt slightly fuzzy - but probably from the lack of food or sleep she had in the past 18 hours.

The girl stirred slightly.

[y/n] noticed a few more things. There was a hand carding through her hair. She was in Techno's room. She knew the smell, the feel, the lighting. It was morning. There was sun coming through the ends of the window blinds. Someone else was in the room, he could hear them scrolling through A phone in the computer chair that sat in the corner of Techno's room.

The hand continued combing through [y/n]'s hair, the slight tugs relaxing her skull. There was a warm body beside him.


She shifted once more wanting the soft action to continue. And thankfully to [y/n] the hand continued.

It was early to early for the female making her curl up into the hand and fell back into the depths of sleep.

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