Tonight You belong to me

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((A few days skip))


[y/n] woke up from her nap slowly, the comfort of warm blankets draped over there body keeping her in bliss for a few moments. But there peaceful state quickly died as she felt the dull pain in there leg and re-remembered where she was yet again. [y/n] was getting sick of this routine of waking up happy only to have her  joy ruined again and again.

She slowly sat up to look around the dark guest room, the only light peaking in from around the heavy locked curtain. This room was nicer than techno's it had a desk and a bedside table, [y/n] wondered why Techno didn't use this room instead of his extra boring room down the hall. [y/n] slowly slid themselves into there wheelchair wincing at the cold leather and metal in comparison to the warm bed. She slowly wheeled out of the room and towards the living room, she could see Techno sitting on the couch looking at his phone.

Her  chair must have given her away as Techno spoke while she was still on her  way into the room "have a good nap? I finished my recording an hour ago and saw you sleeping" Techno spoke casually, and [y/n] felt uncomfortable at the thought of Techno watching them sleep. Techno had told them that the locked room was for his youtube stuff, then he had gone off to record, [y/n] had thought it strange that she could hear no noise coming from the room though and out of boredom had taken her nap. [y/n] slid herself out of the chair and onto the couch, a few feet away from Techno who looked up from his phone. "Next time you should just sleep in our room [y/n]" [y/n] felt sick at Techno calling the room theirs, but slowly nodded still trying to stay on Techno's good side.

   "Are you hungry love? It's about dinner time." The girl nodded again more eagerly this time. "Ok, I will be right back wait here a moment." Techno got up and patted [y/n]'s on the head and ruffled there hair before walking off. [y/n] had to slow there breathing down after the unexpected contact with the hybrid, feeling a hole burn into there stomach with anxiety.

Techno returned with some crutches which he handed to the small girl. [y/n] carefully stood up and used the crutches to walk around the living room a bit, it was more annoying than the chair, but she didn't dare complain. Techno motioned for [y/n] to follow then walked into the kitchen She had lagged behind a bit as she slowly moved along with the crutches. When They reached the kitchen he found Techno standing behind a tall stool with wheels on it. "This is so that you can cook still, you should still be able to reach everything but the height is adjustable so let me know if it's not right." [y/n] couldn't stop herself from groaning, she didn't want to cook or scoot around on a stool. "Oh don't worry Dear I'm helping you cook for a few days so you can get your strength back, plus it will be so fun to actually do something together!" even with the stupid smike [y/n] could hear the all the thoughts in this males head on And she wanted nothing more than to punch them right off.

    After a moment Techno spoke again and ruined the silence [y/n] had been enjoying. "Let's have steak and mashed potatoes, I haven't had that in a while" [y/n] decided to risk speaking "fine but only if you don't talk while we cook" The hybrid let out a sigh but nodded and they got to work. [y/n] told Techno what to do as he was clueless on even how to make basic mashed potatoes but he kept his work and barely talked, only asking a couple of questions. When the food was finally done [y/n] stood up with there crutches and looked at Techno not sure how she was supposed to move his plate to the dining room, Techno seemed to understand there silent question. "You go in ill bring over the food"

[y/n] waited at the table for The male he was taking longer than he should have. When he finally came in and set their plates down both of their steaks had been cut up and they each only had forks. "Sorry it took a while, the drawer key was in my recording room" Techno sat and pushed his chair up enough to eat immediately munching on some steak. [y/n] paused for a moment then spoke trying to keep her voice steady "you don't have to cut my food for me, I'm not a child" Techno stops eating and pushes his chair back somewhat before speaking "well, I don't exactly trust you to be safe around a knife [y/n], you proved a few nights ago that you make rash decisions" and with that, he pushed the chair back up and started to eat again.

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