There is no help

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As the female crept out of the king-size bed as slowly and quietly as they could. Careful not to wake the sleeping monster beside them. She stood in silence near the bed listening to Techno's breathing, it was slow he seemed to still be asleep. Relieved but still very tense [y/n] crept across the floor to the dresser. She opened it and grabbed a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. There was no way she was going to run away while wearing almost nothing. They slowly opened the door and stepped out of the room.

Letting out a small sigh, there was no going back now. Once [y/n] was around the corner she put on the clothes, they were very loose on her but they were better than nothing. They made there way to the front door, it was tall and had glass panes in it. But they had all been painted over. It occurred to the girl that she didn't know where she was, or even what the outside looked like. They approached the key panel looking again at the faded numbers, 2467. There would probably be an alarm if they got it wrong. Dread filling [y/n]'s body she sat on the ground in front of the panel. Finally, they decided to just type a code in, maybe if she got it wrong she would be able to try again. With a deep breath, they stood and reached for the panel.

The silence around her was deafening as they held there breath and clicked the 6, a small beep let out and [y/n] jumped back. Hands shaking she pressed the 7, another beep but this one of a slightly different pitch. Still trembling they pressed the 2, a third beep rang out. Here goes nothing [y/n] thought and she pressed the 4. The panel beeped then let out a loud shrill noise. A scream let out of the woman's mouth, she got it wrong. What could they do! She panicked started to try another code when a strong hand wrapped around there neck. She started to squirm, but the hand tightened around there throat cutting off her air. [y/n] struggles became weak and pitiful as her eyes started to lose focus. Just before [y/n] passed out there were released dropping immediately to the floor. "The funny thing is you almost had it, 6742 not 6724" Techno said with a dark laugh. "But you did break two rules tonight, your first night up here. I tried to trust you love, but it's clear to me you weren't ready" Techno snarled "I-I'm S-Sorry!!" [y/n] stammered terror in there eyes. Techno leaned down and ripped the shirt off [y/n] who yelped at his rough touch. He then ripped the sweats off the screaming girl as well , tossing them to the side out of reach. "Well the punishment for wearing clothes is 20 lashings, but we can do that later. For now, let's talk about the punishment for trying to escape" his voice was filled with anger, rage.

"Please no I'm sorry I won't do it again!" [y/n] begged in a shaking voice still laying on the ground at techno's feet. "Well My dear you know I have to punish you somehow, I think a month in the locker will teach you your lesson," he said, the rage is gone from his voice sounding more disappointed than anything. Tears flood from [y/n]'s eyes as techno bends down and scoops them up tossing The girls small frame over his shoulder. "Please no, please, ill do anything, just don't put me back there!" [y/n] screamed out as techno neared the stairs, feeling the scratching of her crawling at his back skin. "Please! Techno! I'm so sorry techno, I'm so sorry!" They sobbed. The male stopped walking and set her on the ground in front of the basement door. "There is something you could do instead, but you won't like it," he said looking down at the sobbing girl. [y/n] not thinking clearly and full of adrenaline practically screamed back "Yes! Please! Don't make me go back!" "ok then, don't fucking move I'll be right back"

[y/n] slowly stopped crying it only coming out as soft hiccups while Techno was gone, he could hear the male on the phone he sounded tense. He couldn't make out what He was saying though. When Techno comes back he helps move [y/n] to the couch and holds [y/n]'s hand. [y/n] wants to rip her hand away, but they really doesn't want to go back into the locker so she stays still. After about five minutes Techno speaks "he will be here in an hour, I'm going to give you your punishment for wearing clothes now" before [y/n] can protest Techno pulls her over his lap exposing her bottom. Techno kits them but with his hand and she yelps out. "you'd better count out loud or I might lose count and have to start over." Techno waits until [y/n] mutters out a small "one" then continues, each hit receiving a small yelp or cry followed by a number, by the time they reached twenty [y/n]'s rear was a bright red, and tears were streaming down her face.

Techno let them off his lap and [y/n] scurried to the other side of the couch earning a chuckle from techno. [y/n] watched in confusion as Techno opened the drawer in the coffee table in front of them and pulled out a dark strap of cloth. He approached her and they tried to sink into the couch. But The males rough hands wrapped behind her head and tied the blindfold on. After a moment or two, [y/n]'s hands were scooped up by one of techno's, Tecnho other hand on her chin. Techno started to kiss [y/n], who tried to sink into the couch even more. But with nowhere to go they were trapped in the kiss. Stupidly [y/n] opened her mouth to tell Techno to stop, but Techno only deepened the kiss. After what felt like ages, with only small breaks to breathe, [y/n] heard a doorbell ring out through the house. Techno sill keeping one hand on the girls hands muttered "I guess Wilburs here now" after a couple of seconds he removed his hand from the girls hands and untied the blindfold. [y/n] blinked at the sudden rush of light seeing Techno stupid smirk [y/n] wondering how the male smiles with such big teeth. Techno turned around to look at them "because you don't need to, know. Now let's go" he said flatly as he gestured towards the hall to the front door. [y/n] hesitantly got up and followed her captor , and stopped a few feet behind him near the door. Techno typed in the door code 6742, he hadn't been lying earlier [y/n] was close.

[y/n]'s heart froze as the door chirped happily and the lock clicked open techno opened the door to reveal a man with a beanie and a bright yellow hoodie His eyes were red and puffy, had he been crying? The man walked past Techno right to [y/n]. Looking at her exposed body with pity for a moment before pulling her into a tight hug. [y/n] flinched at the sudden contact. The man started to whisper directly into her ear "I'm really sorry,[y/n] but I have no choice. I promise you'll be ok though." he sounded desperate for forgiveness. He released her from the hug and [y/n] only look at him with confusion. "Are you ok [y/n]? What did he say?" Techno said sternly facing his brother as he spoke. "I was only comforting the girl Dave, she looked terrified, and there shaking!" Techno promptly slapped Wilbur making the boys glasses slip off his face "she's fine. Now hurry up and get started" Wilbur rubbed his jaw where techno made contact but didn't respond only fixing his glasses back, only turning to walk through the house. "Where am I doing it, the dining room?" Wilbur asked techno nodded. [y/n]'s confusion was rising as she followed the two cautiously. She started to wonder why this guy had called Techno Dave, was that his real name? "Don't get blood on my table" techno muttered and left the room. [y/n] looked at wilbur with terrified eyes. Wilbur looked up at her and sighed opening his large duffle bag. "I'm a doctor, well I used to be you won't feel anything, and you'll be ok" he pulled out a syringe and [y/n] started to back away tears creeping down her face. "C'mon [y/n], it's ok. Please hold still" he said comfortingly as he stuck The girl with the needle. [y/n] felt strange, and she felt Wilbur helping them onto the table.

[y/n] woke up confuse and groggy. Her whole body felt heavy, she could barely open her eyes. They heard talking in the other room. [y/n] couldn't make out what was being said but she could tell it was Wilbur and Techno speaking. After a while, she started to be more vivid and he could keep her eyes open. She still could move but she didn't really care. Soon they heard Wilbur say "looks like she's awake, please let me talk to her first 'Techno'" the way he said Techno felt forced and strange. [y/n] heard footsteps into the room, then Wilbur was leaning over her looking into The girls eyes. "Hey buddy, do you feel ok?" His voice was soft and gentle. [y/n] managed a weak smile "that's good, it will probably start to hurt after a few hours, but I gave him some painkillers you can take." he smiled sadly at [y/n]. "Ok, well I should leave now. But please remember that I'm sorry" Wilbur said, his eyes tearing up and he scurried away saying something to techno that She couldn't make out.

[y/n]'s smile dropped from her face as he heard Techno walk in. "hey dear, I don't know what he said to you. But I did this because I love you" [y/n] cringed at the words, techno chose now as the time to say that to him "it's going to be ok and now we never have to worry about rule 4 again" he said happily. [y/n] thought for a moment before responding weakly "what did you do?" Techno moved behind [y/n] and lifted her until she was sitting.

[y/n] looked down to see the horror that had been done to her. Their left leg was gone. After about 3 inches below the knee, it was just gone. A stump wrapped in bandages was all that was left. She sat in shock for a moment before hearing techno speak again "I can trust you now that you can't run away" it was almost a whisper. [y/n] heard the blood-curdling scream before they realized she was the one screaming. Then the world went black as he passed out in techno's arms.

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