Im here..?

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[y/n] woke up with a blistering headache. She didn't remember hitting the ground and passing out. Eyes still shut [y/n] realized how cold he felt and that she wasn't wearing shoes. She had tried to move their arms to their face but found it stuck. The female's eyes shot open as they realized both her arms were locked in thick leather shackles above her head. [y/n] then tugged her stiff legs to find they were also in cuffs somewhat apart from each other, leaving her feeling very vulnerable. She started to look around the cold room, soon understanding why. It seemed to be some type of a large walk-in closest bout 10 by 20 feet, several large racks hung from the ceiling. [y/n] eyes drifted down the blank metal walls till they locked onto a large figure sitting in a chair not far from the female, he started to get up as [y/n] was staring at him. The man loomed tall over the table a shaking [y/n] was bound to.

   A small grin grew over the males face as the small female struggled against the cuffs, he walked over to them and the girl started to softly cry. "What's your name?" his deep monotone voice rang out throughout the room. [y/n] choked down a sob and whimpered out "I- I'm [y-y/n] ". The males emotionless face smiled glad the shaking female didn't fail the first test. "Hi [y/n]." he spoke and leaned over the girl putting one of his hands next to the young girl's head. He looked down at Her glazed over Certainly Terrified eyes then took his other hand and used his thumb to gently wipe away [y/n]'s tears. The gentle action only made [y/n] cry more, and turn their head away to face the wall. The male roughly grabbed the smaller's chin and forced them to look up at his pig-like face "don't do that, you look at me" he practically growled. [y/n] frantically nodded as best she could in the grasp of the males hand which soon loosened as he released her face. The male then stood up and reached into his back pushing past his fancy red cloth to his pocket filling out a pocket knife. He watched the terror fill [y/n]'s eyes again at the sight of the knife. The girl started to loudly sob and beg "please don't hurt me, I'm sorry. Please please please don't kill me!" The male only chuckled at their response when he started his work.

  "I'm not hurting you... yet, but I might accidentally if you don't keep still, so don't move." he slowly approached [y/n] and heard them gulp, not sure if he had heard the male correctly on the word 'yet' as the male has practically whispered that word. He grabbed the smaller shirt near their hip line and started cutting until the shirt was just a flimsy half shirt that laid on the female's skin like some arts and craft project the remaining scraps on the floor. He looked down at his newly found canvas, his cold hands settling on the girl's soft untouched skin, this making [y/n] jump at the contact, before having the male push her side roughly more into the table making them whimper out in pain. "What did I say about moving. Next time I'll make sure to cut more than half your shirt" he growled threateningly to [y/n] before bring his knife down onto his victims skin starting to Carve a letter into her skin, he was so focused on his work he seemingly didn't hear her screams for mercy and pain.

The male soon was finished with his work starting down at the letters that spelled out "flower" onto the females now redden skin he wiped his blade with the scraps he had found on the floor before returning into to it right full place in his back pocket before speaking in the same monotone voice, "good that's done. Let's get some questions out shall we?" He had looked over to watch as the female clamped his eyes shut and started vigorously shaking his head back and forth. Realizing that he wouldn't learn anything when he was this scared the male shakes his head before walking to a self to throw  a blanket over [y/n]'s trembling body and walks out of the locker room locking the door behind him and no longer hearing the sobs through the soundproof walls. He'll come back once She was nice and hungry.

My wildflower.. [technoblade x reader]Where stories live. Discover now