Chapter 3

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"How's your head, doc?" Kokichi giggles, pointing a finger at me.

"It's fine! Thanks for patching me up last night." After the whole incident..he cleaned my injury and I told him to go back to his room because security starts high patrol, and there's no way he would be able to get back unseen after that happens.

"Bye the way, how to you get out of your room last night?"

"I jumped out of the window," he shrugged.

"Oh makes sen- Wait we're on the fourth floor!?" I yelled in realization. He giggled and pointed down to his covered feet. I lifted up his leg from his bed and rolled up his pants.

"What the hell Kokichi! You're ankles are completely swollen." It was definitely from the impact of the fall. I rubbed my temples and grabbed my clipboard. Kokichi gave me a look,

"Where are you going?" He pouted, crossing his arms childishly. I rolled my eyes, "I need to get you an ice back from the faculty room, I'll be right back."

"You better.." he whispered, I don't think he wanted me to hear that.


"I don't want you walking around until the swelling goes down. Make sure to keep you're feet elevated." I scold, wrapping his ankles up with the ice packs. I grabbed two extra pillows out of the bin and lifted up his feet, gently placing his wounded legs on them.

"Ah! (Y/n) my ankles are freezing! Make it stop make it stop!" He sobbed, tears streaming down his face..dramatically I might add. I gave him a painfully fake pity smile, "Get over it or I'll leave, and you'll be here alone." I emphasized. He cringed at the word, my heart gave a pang of regret.

An awkward silence came over the room, I winced at it. 'Anything but silence, please Kokichi, make a joke, say something..anything.'

My wish was granted when he started giggling, "no need to get so down doc! The word just caught me off guard, don't think so much of it nishishishi~" he was lying..but I wasn't going to pry more out of him.

He gave me a cheeky grin and rested his hands on the back of his neck, "Soooo whats on the agenda today? Any shots, surgery's or lobotomy's? I heard mental hospitals do that." He joked.

I stifled a giggle, "No, no shots, surgery's, or lobotomies for you today, I don't think we even do that anymore. I think that was just a thing back in like 1950 or something," I shrugged, adjusting my doctor's jacket.

"Awe man! I was really hoping for a new suck (Y/n)." He pouted, puffing out his cheeks and huffing. I playfully rolled my eyes,

"As much as I enjoy messing around with you, I am your doctor, so let's do some doctor stuff, shall we?" He nodded and changed position in his bed, he was now sitting up instead of laying down.

"Alright. So Mr. Ouma, how are you feeling today? Any intrusive thoughts? Any plans to murder anyone?" I casually questioned. I felt comfortable around Kokichi, even after the short time I've known him. No, we weren't pals or anything, I'm simply his doctor, and we have a comfortable relationship with each other.

"To be honest, doc, you're the only thing on my mind~ nishishishi~" he joked, putting a finger up to his lips.

"Oh? How unfortunate. We might have to put you back in the white room." I deadpanned. His eyes narrowed dangerously at the mention of the white room. A lump began to form in my throat. He is a dangerous person (Y/n), just because you're comfortable with him doesn't mean he's comfortable with you..

'He could be planning how to kill me right now. I have to be careful.' I winced.

"Ah, don't you dare think about putting me back in there HAHA!" He manically laughed. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, wanting this tension to pass.

"Oh don't be scared, (Y/n)," he greeted between clenched teeth, "I hope you know I'm not that crazy. I'm pretty batshit crazy though, nishishi!~" He finished. A cold sweat formed on the back of my neck, but my stomach felt..warm. It was a sickening feeling. I wanted to throw up..

"Ouch ouch ouch! (Y/n) quickly, get me pain meds! My ankles BURN!" He sobs, his mood dramatically changed.

'Is!' I eternally freaked. This going to be very hard to figure out.

I rushed out of my seat, and ran out of the room. I swiped my key card to get into the faculty room, and snatched some drug store pain meds out of the cabinet.

'I'm aloud to do this, aren't I? Oh lord I'm the worst doctor in existence.' I groaned, stuffing the small container into my coat pocket.

I ran back to the room, to find Kokichi sitting on the edge of his bed, staring out of the massive bullet proof window. It over looked the whole property, his room was in a great location. My gaze shifted to the small hatch on the window which opened. It was to small for a normal sized person to fit through, but due to Kokichi's...small features he must have slipped right through.

"Okay I have your meds. I'm a horrible doctor. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to give you these or not, so don't tell anyone."

He lazily lifted up and hand a motioned for me to come over, his gaze never drifting from the outside world.

I skeptically walked over, and stood to his left, also known as the foot of the bed.

"I lied about needing meds, nishishi~" I just needed you to leave the room for a second. Or I could be lying about not needing them..I guess we will never know~" he drifted. I could tell he wasn't really thinking about what he was saying, it was like he was hypnotized by the view out of his window.

"Yeah..I guess we never will."

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