Chapter 12

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....thinking about making either a Sans or sal fisher fanfic next..what do you guys think:^)

This chapters boutta be absolute shit sticks guys..


also do y'all want some spicy scenes? I really don't care. I'll write them if you guys want me too.

Kokichi pulled me out of the elevator, I quick note of the fact we were on the third floor.

"Where to first, captain?"

    He giggled and took my hand, dragging me down the hall.

     "Welp. We both need new clothes, so i'm stopping by a friends room to steal some stuff." He answered, navigating the halls intently.

     I nodded, and let him lead me. Soon enough, we stopped in-front of a large door labeled..Space dude..? Weird.

     Kokichi turned the nob, only to find out it was locked. He groaned and bent down, pulling a hair pin out of god knows where and unlocking the door. 'I forgot he knows how to pick locks...that's hot.' I flushed, kicking an imaginary pebble on the floor. He looked back at me and smirks...shit.

     "Yeah, you said that out loud." He confirmed, grabbing my hand again and pulling me into the room. I blushed and closed the door behind me. He walked over to the far side of the room and into the closet. He came out a minute or two later with a few pieces of clothing in his hands.

     He tossed them to me.

     I started to shamelessly change whilst Kokichi was turned around. The look of horror when he turned around was uncalled for..

     "What the fuck! Y/n change in the bathroom! Why would you change infront of a man so easily." He scolded, stomping towards me and yanking my shirt back down from over my head.

     "Whaa? I trust you enough to not do anything. I trust you, kokichi." I smiled, beginning to strip my shirt once more.

     This time Kokichi was right infront of me..I could tell he was trying to respectfully avoid looking at me by taking heavy interest in the floor under him. I stifled a giggle, "Kokichi, I don't care if you look. Like I said..I trust you!"

     His eyes didn't leave the floor, "It's not that.."

     I paused, looking up at him after finishing transferring the new shirt onto my person.
"Then what is it?"

     "I just don't know if i'll do something i'll regret. I like you Y/n. I just don't want you to leave." He admitted, giving a shameful smile. I blushed, 'something he'll regret..?'

     The shirt was long and draped over me, I began to slide off my jeans. Changing them quickly. Once done, I turned around, "Your turn!"

    "No need. This is literally the outfit I would wear even if I wasn't in the mental hospital."

     'His straight jacket..? He would wear a straight jacket even out- you know what, I don't even wanna know.'

Told you this chapter was gonna be shit. Just wanted to let you guys know some things, but didn't want to put in another authors note chapter, those are icky. Seriously though I need mega help guys. I'm this close to discontinuing the book..:(( HELPPPP WITHHHH IDEAAASSSSS! pls.





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