Chapter 14

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     I awoke wrapped in Kokichi's arms. Based on the clock placed on the bedside table, it was around 7 pm..

     'It's still the same day right?!' was the first thought I had upon waking up. Kokichi had his arms around my waist, his face snuggled into the crook of my neck. I felt warm and fuzzy- content and loved. It was a nice feeling, the feeling that someone has your back- that someone would sacrifice their everything for you.

     The certain conditions Kokichi and I were introduced in brought a sense of prosperity to how far our relationship has come.

     After our.. endeavors that occurred only earlier that day, the two of us shared a formal confession. We decided it's best not to label it yet in fear of others catching wild- don't get me wrong! We are serious. Just because we don't have labels for eachother doesn't mean we're gonna go around with other people..

     No! That's not how it is at all. We both love eachother very very much, but we both agreed this was the best approach. Take it nice and slow..

     But we knew that we belonged to eachother. That the kisses, cuddles, and everything else remained only for the two of us.

     Only a few minutes later did Kokichi's eyes open, just like mine had did minuets before. A tired grin made its way onto his face, before he half-untangled himself from me. "Sleep well?" I softly questioned. My voice was hoarse from one or two different activities, but my voice was softer and raspier then usual.

     "Yup!~ I had a really nice dream where you and me were at an all you can eat panta bar." He giggled, bringing a finger up to his lips iconically.

     I smiled tiredly and leaned into him, bringing the blankets up over my nose. I snuggled up against him, attempting to find a comfortable position.

     He pulled me into him and rested his chin a top my head, "Comfy?" He hummed, gently stoking my shoulder with his cold, talented hand.

     I gave a noise to signify I was, a certain topic lingered on my mind, I felt the need to obtain what I want to know, "Kokichi?"

     "Yes my Panta bear?" He responded, his gentle message on my shoulders halting, "'s about the whole disappearing thing.." I asked, suddenly being filled with nerves I forgot I had.

     He hummed yet again, "Well, that's what we came to do..but.." He hesitated, I felt dread in the pause, "Oh nevermind. It'll all be taken care of. What's your question?"

"Well..when are we gonna continue on with it?" I spoke in a soft tone, genuine curiosity lacing my voice in intricate layers.

     "No idea, but why he sad about it when we can!" He smirked, placing a light kiss on the top of my head. Add that small gesture to the things that make me instantly melt..

     "Okay...yeah. I'll enjoy what we have right now."

     Shuichi adjusted his cap nervously. He frantically debated whether or not he should actually go through with ringing the door bell.

     He was just outside of your rooms door..

     Your room at the mental hospital that is..

     It's been days since you've shown up for work. He missed your usual small greetings from across the courtyard. He was scheduled to leave for the station soon, and wanted to at least say goodbye. He even went as far as to ask Kirumi if she had seen you by any chance.

     She responded with a quick, "No, last I saw her she was with Kokichi. He got released, you know. Anything up?"

     Of course something was up. You hadn't been at work conveniently in the same time span Kokichi got released..something didn't add up in his brain.

     He couldn't help but worry, so naturally, his last resort was to check on you in your residence.

     Deciding for it, he gave your doorbell one single ring...

     No answer..

     He brushed it off as maybe you were sleeping. He needed to make sure you were again. He rang again...

     No answer..

     Maybe you were finishing something up? He waited a second or two before ringing again..

     To his answer.

      A bad feeling bubbled in his chest. You most definitely were not in your room. No one knew where you were. And Shuichi decided to take matters into his own hands..

     He twisted your door nob gently, taking note of it being locked.

     Thankfully, he's learned a thing or two from a certain..purple haired soda addict.

     He grabbed a old coffee shop gift card and slid in down the doors slight crack, locating the lock. He worked his thieving skills until the door cracked open.

     He gave a wary glance down each of the halls enclosing him, checking for any onlookers . When he didn't see any, he advanced into your small apartment.

    Your distinct smell filled his senses. He wasn't there to snoop, he was there to check if you were still okay..alive.

     He shuddered at the thought of you deceased. His eyes scanned your room for any evidence of distress, any sign of struggle. Anything to prove you didn't leave on with your own will. Your apartment looked completely normal. Perfect- in fact. Everything was in the right place, it looked like you literally just disappeared out of thin air. To any normal person this wouldn't have been alarming..but to a highly trained detective like Shuichi...

     This only deepened his curiosity.


     More chapters soon, thank you for all the helpful comments that pulled me out of my writers block. Well, see you soon:)





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