Chapter 9

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     this took... a second to get out.. didn't it? SORRY FOR THE WAIT, ENJOY MY SHITHEADS<333


     "Uhm...could you..scoot over..?" I whispered to the beaming form beside me. He flipped over and gave me a cheeky grin,


     I scoffed at him, flipping over so my back was facing his chest. I could feel the warmth from him, 'He's so close..' I internally screamed. 'Calm down Y/n, it's just Kokichi- Just kokichi!' I tried to shut out the flush overtaking my face by hiding it in the blankets, "D-dont try to kill me in my sleep, that would be a horrible way to go out."

     He let out a throaty, muffled laugh, "No promises!"

     The room became quite, I struggled, trying my best to calm down and fall asleep. My heart was beating out of my chest and the fact my face was stuffed into a blanket didn't help my ever growing body heat. 'Is kokichi asleep..?'

     I didn't have the guts to flip over and check, due to the face if I did- his face would be merely a centimeter away. I listened intently for any sort of breathing coming from him, pure silence. After a moment, He began to wiggle. I froze up in my small spot, two arms snaked hesitantly around my waist. I subconsciously sucked my stomach in as butterflies invaded it. Trying my best to seem natural, I slowly removed my face from the fortress of blankets and relaxed into his arms.

     I heard him sigh in relief, or comfort-or both. He gently pulled me closer, my back was now snug against his chest, 'Oh, my, god- calm down.'

     Something- no, someone nuzzled their head into the back of my neck. Thank god it was pitch black, as cliche as it is, my face was beet red. Kokichi took a big, relaxed breathe and squeezed my waist lightly.

     Slowly but surely, my heart race decreased and I completely melted into his arms. Warm..comfortable..loving. I felt loved in his arms, and soon enough, I plundered into a dreamless sleep......


     The next morning we both awoke with the start of loud heavy knocks at his door. With no time to react, we both shot out of bed and fixed our hair, "Bathroom, hide in the bathroom til i'm done." Kokichi whisper shouted, pointing aggressively at the closed, dark magenta door to his powder room. I slipped into the room, lightly closing the door behind me.

     I pressed my ear against the door, 'Nice ease dropping, Y/n.'  I smirked- a smug expression played on my face.

     Kokichi opened the door, "What- what do you want." He spat, his tone slices through the entire room. It was hoarse, dry, and if that was his morning voice, remind me to hear it more often...

     "Good...inform you that...leave today!" Was all I could conveniently make out from the other presence in the room. Kokichi and the mystery guest exchanged a few more words before the door to the bathroom was slammed open. I almost fell from the sudden loss of balance but I conveniently fell into a certain persons chest.

     "Falling for me- Nevermind that's cringe. Anyways, get up.. I gotta get packing."

     I instantly regained my composure, "Packing? Your leaving?!" He nodded at me, and pulled me towards him by my waist,

     "We didn't get to have a heartfelt morning together, so you owe me sometime.." He smirked, looking down at me in his arms. I flushed and pushed away from him, "Okay-whatever! But Kokichi, you're leaving leaving?"

     "Leaving leaving, love." The nickname didn't cool down my already red face, "But, I have an idea.."

      I raised an eyebrow at him and crossed my arm, leaning against the bathroom doorframe, "That plan is? I would like to hear it." 

     "Well, didn't you say I was the only thing keeping you here?"

     I nodded uncertainly at him, 'What was he getting at?'

     He took a step towards me, trapping me between him and the doorframe, his hand grasped my chin lightly and turned my head to look at him in the eye, "What if we...", he starts,  taking his other arm and wrapping it around my waist, pulling me against him again,

     "Disappeared together..?"


Hello there HAHA, sorry for the delay in chapters, been a little backed up with school and other crap. More to come,



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