Chapter 10

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"Disappear.." I replayed vocally, "What do you mean 'disappear'. You mean just leave the state, right?"

He frowned at me, loosening his grip on my waist, but not letting go.

"No. I mean..I mean- I mean we disappear." He stammered, surely he didn't mean double suicide or anything like that, but I'm not completely sure, "No, no suicide if that's what you're wondering about. I mean we wipe our slates clean. I didn't have much of a future anyways now that I have a criminal record and a sentence under my belt."

His words flew over my head. I couldn't decide if he was insane for suggesting it or if I was insane for not hating the idea.

     "Surely- surely you don't mean it." I stammered. Confusion and desperation laced my words like silk. He gave a restless grin and tightened his grip on me yet again, "I do mean it, Y/n. Disappear with me won't you? I can provide for us- I promise I can! We could get married! We could murder! None of it will matter because we wouldn't exist! Think of how free you would feel- think about what you could do."

     My eyes widened, he wasn't acting like his usual childish worry free self, "Murder? Why would we do that..Kokichi i'm your doctor goddamnit!" I snapped. He wasn't sane right now. He was gone, my Kokichi was gone.

      His eyes darkened, I avoided his cold gaze at all cost, "Y/n." I rested my forehead against his chest, there was no way I could look at him.

     "Y/n." I pressed myself further into him,   "Y/n look at me."

     When I didn't comply he gently took my face in his hand whilst the other stayed wrapped around me, gluing me to my spot. He gently rubbed my cheek with his thumb while he stared deeply into my eyes. My entire body felt numb- I felt warm everywhere. I couldn't breathe under his intense stare. I felt heavy and weak-I felt like we were the only two people on the planet.

     His gaze dropped to my lips, I froze yet again unsure of what to do, 'He's...going to kiss me, isn't he..'

     He inched forward, he would stop every second, looking me in the eyes for milliseconds before inching again. I couldn't move even if I wanted. I felt so dazed- so loved under his gaze.

     I could feel his breathe on my lips, if I moved forward any more our lips-

     'Stop Y/n. You're moving to fast.'  I came to my senses quite quickly, I finally snapped out of it. I pulled away from him.

     "Pack..I'll be waiting outside. I'm your escort out of here." I deadpanned. Of course I wanted to kiss him..but would we last?

     That's the reason I pulled away, I don't want out first kiss to be in the doorway of his bathroom. His fucking bathroom in a fucking mental hospital. 'You're going insane Y/n, calm yourself.'

I slumped to the floor outside his door, awaiting for him to be packed.

     "What if we...disappeared together..?"

'What the hell was he thinking!' I internally scolded, '.....What the hell was I thinking?'

'Disappearing..', the word replayed in my head over and over-like a broken record if you must. My mind began to fictitiously tease me with sights of Kokichi and I running around the city. Running around in grassy fields- cuddled up in the woods..

"It wouldn't even matter because we wouldn't exist!"

     Goddamnit get out of my head! His words played over and over and over again in my head. My mind was spinning..everything was spinning- but, but i've made my choice.

     I shot up from my spot and ran to my room.


     I sling my backpack over my shoulder. I had decided,

     I'm going to disappear with Kokichi.

     This might be the worst idea of my life. I may be making the worst fuck up ever but at this point I don't care. Kokichi- that son of a bitch. The son of the bitch that I happen to be infatuated with.

    I'm not sure wether it's love, lust, or just loneliness but what I do know is I need him. I need him and i'm not done with him yet.

     With a determined look on my face I set up everything in my house accordingly,

     Leave the bathroom a slight mess- like it's been used.

     Lay in my bed and make it seem as if someone has just used it.

     Begin to make some sort of food to make it look halfway abandoned.

     Dirty the house to make it look homelike- like someone has recently lived there.

     These were all precautions of course. Make it look like I disappeared out of nowhere.

     I locked my door from the inside and slipped out, careful to avoid contact with anyone, I stealthy rushed towards Kokichi's part of the building.

     He was just closing his door when I peered around the corner. I watched him intently as he hesitated letting go of the handle, staring longingly at the cold piece of metal. I alerted him by lightly knocking on the wall beside me.

     He was about to say something before I motioned him to be quite, "Come here," I whispered.

     I lead him to the back exit of the building. It was early in the day so the yard was filled with patients entertaining themselves with god knows what.

     I hastily led him to the employee parking lot,  trying my best to avoid the gazes of my colleagues ,"Problem one..transportation?" I winced, smiling awkwardly. He rolled his eyes, "You really think I would suggest disappearing without a plan? Amateur."

     He pulled out a disposable flip phone, dialed some number and brought it up to his ear, "Hey..It's Kokichi! Yeah I got out haha! Could you..come to pick me up. I have someone I want you to meet."

     He gave the mystery person the address and hung up.

     "You decided to come with me after all, huh?" He smirked. A simple eye roll was enough to throw him off.

     We laid low, awaiting Kokichi's mystery driver to come save us. 5 mins...10 mins...15 mins...

     I counted down to the second until a sketchy black Mercedes with tinted windows pulled up in front of us. Kokichi grinned and grabbed my hand, eagerly pulling me towards the car.

     The drivers window rolled down revealing a blonde girl in a pink sailors uniform. She was damn pretty and had steam punk goggles laying atop her messily put together hair. She gave me a big toothy smile and smacked the side of her car,

     "HAHA! Hey bitches let's get this party started!" She screamed while me and Kokichi hastily slid into her back seats.



     Hope you guys enjoyed and as always follow vote and comment! Thank you thank you thank you for all the support lately, LOVE YOU ALL <33


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