Tesla is born

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Today I take Q to the hospital so he can get induced. The doctors decided that it would be safer if they induced his labor. They are going to monitor Q from the start of Labor to the end. My dad and brother are down so they are going to come to the hospital along with Q's mom and dad. My brother and Q's dad are going to stay in the waiting with Paisleigh and Autumn. We all arrive at the hospital and I get Q all signed and we are lead up to the paternity ward and my brother and Q's dad are lead to the waiting room with the kids and Q is put in a room. Q is placed in a hospital gown and they put a fetal monitor on him. They put an I.V in his arm and they give him the medicine to induce his labor and then the doctor placed a contraction monitor on him and then he left out of the room. His mom and my dad are the room with us. I see Q looking uncomfortable and shifting slightly to try and relive the pain that is coming on.
"Are you ok baby?"I asked going over to rub his back to help him with the contractions.
"Yeah.The medicine is working babe she is ready to come out know"q said as the contraction left. He got another pain. The pain came every so often so there was still a little bit of time. Hours passed and the contractions were coming one on top of one another and then his water broke. The doctor came in and checked on him and Tesla. The doctor checked his dilation and he was at 8 centimeters and his labor stalled and Tesla was in distress at this point the
Doctor gave Q some more medicine in his I.V to help the labor and they were monitoring Tesla to see how she was doing.
"If your labor does not progress I may have to take you back for a c section."The doctor told Q. The doctor left and went to his station bye Q's room.
"OWWWWWW THIS HURTS SO MUCH MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!" Q screamed as he held my hand and his mom's hand.
"I'm right here baby."I told him as I kissed his forehead and stroked his hair.
"Mom it hurts."Q said crying as the doctor came back in to check on him.
"I know baby boy but I can't make it stop just think about it you will have Tesla in your arms."Carol said. She felt bad that she couldn't take her son's pain away. The doctor told Q he was ready to push. That made my dad move to his other side and his mom moved down to see her granddaughter being born.
"Owwwwwwwww!!!!!!!"Q screamed out as he felt Tesla's head push up against his cervix. The doctor said that he could see the top of her head and one more push and her head will be out.
"IT BURNS SO BAD!!!!OUCH!!!!!" Q screamed as he felt Tesla's head pop out of his body. The doctor got my dad down there and his mom down there to see their granddaughter coming on to the world.
"One push and you will hold your daughter in your arms."The doctor said as he gets ready to catch her.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"Q screamed and then he cried as his crying baby girl came out and then cut her cord and placed her on his chest.
"Welcome to the world Tesla Elizabeth Quinn."I
Said as I kissed him. They took Tesla and cleaned her up and stuff and then they gave her back to Q.
"Tesla Elizabeth Quinn was born on November 10,2019 at 12:06am and weighs 9lbs 12oz and is 20 inches long."the doctor said.
"You did a good job baby."I told him. Our parents had already went home along with my brother and the older two kids.
Tesla started crying for Q because she just wanted her daddy right know. Q held her in his arms and calmed her down and she went to sleep on her daddy's chest.
"It was traumatic coming out of daddy."Q said as he laid her down and got ready for us to go to sleep. Tomorrow the girls come and meet their baby sister. I laid down and went to sleep along with Q and Tesla. We all slept the whole night.

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