Q has surgery

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Today I had to take Q to get nodules removed from his vocal cords. We got ready to leave and go to the hospital. We got Paisleigh ready and her diaper bag packed with bottles and stuff.

 We got Paisleigh ready and her diaper bag packed with bottles and stuff

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(Paisleigh's outfit.)
We got Paisleigh in the backseat of my Dodge Dart. We put her diaper bag beside her. I got in the drivers seat and Q got in the passenger seat. On the way to the hospital Q was talking and I was listening because he couldn't talk for a couple of days after the surgery so he could have time to heal. We got to the hospital and got him all checked in. We went to his room to get him ready to go to surgery. I was sitting in the chair and Paisleigh was beside me in her car seat sleeping and her diaper bag was on the floor in front of me. They came in and got ready to take him back to the OR.
"I love you babe this is the last time I get to say it before surgery . I just want you to know that even when I'm quite for a couple of days just remember my voice saying I love you babe with all my heart and remember to play the recording of my voice that I made for Paisleigh until I can talk again. I love you always and forever." He said as they were getting ready to leave for the OR.
"I will. I love you too baby." I said with tears in my eyes. We waited for a while for him to come out of surgery. Finally after a lot of waiting he was out of surgery and back to where we were. Once he fully woke up from  the anesthesia. He got discharged and we went home. After a couple of days he can talk again and everything is back to normal.

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