Finding out the gender

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Today was the day that we could find out the gender. Q is 7 months along. I took Paisleigh over to Mrs. Calabash's house. I told Mrs. Calabash to text me of Paisleigh was crying for Q so that I can come get her. I gave her Paisleigh's diaper bag and instructions. I thanked her as I was heading out the door and to our car. We got the doctor's office and we were in the waiting room for a little while. Then they finally called him back. We went back and the doctor started the ultrasound.
"Do you guys want to know the gender of your baby?" He asked us.
"Yes." We both said to him.
"She is doing great moving around and is healthy." He told us.
We were so happy that Paisleigh was going to have a baby sister. I texted everyone we knew and told them the gender of our baby. After the ultrasound was done we left the building and got in the car and we went nursery shopping. While we were checking out I got a text from Mrs. Calabash saying that Paisleigh wanted her daddy and she couldn't calm her down so she could go to sleep. After we got checked out and got the stuff in the house we walked over and got Paisleigh from Mrs. Calabash. Q got Paisleigh out of her arms and into his and I got her diaper bag. As soon as she was in his arms she was asleep. We thanked her and we walked back over to our house so Paisleigh could nap. And I could decorate the nursery for our baby girl.

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