Paisleigh's sick

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Today Paisleigh woke up not feeling well. She woke up crying for Q to come and pick her up. Q walked in there and picked up Paisleigh. She was crying because she didn't feel good today. Q carried Paisleigh to the living room and sat in the recliner and rocked her. He felt her forehead and it was hot.
"Hey Babe could you bring me the thermometer?" He asked me while trying to calm down Paisleigh.
"Sure honey." I said to him while I got the thermometer for him to take her temperature.
"Here you go honey." I said to him while handing him the thermometer.
"Thanks Babe." He said to me while taking Paisleigh's temperature.
"No problem." I said to him as I was leaving out the room.
He took her temperature and she had a little fever.
He got a cool rag and put it in her forehead and rocked her until she feel asleep. Paisleigh slept for a little. Then she woke up and wanted a bottle. Q decided that since she was sick that he would breastfeed her. He did just that and she ate his milked and was burped and changed. Q took her to our room and cuddled with her in the bed the rest of the day.

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