My family meets Paisleigh

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Today is the first time my dad and brother meet my daughter. Q was sitting in the recliner feeding Paisleigh his milk while rocking her. I sat on the couch.

(Paisleigh's outfit

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(Paisleigh's outfit.)
"She is so cute baby."I said.
"She is at that." He said while putting Paisleigh on his shoulder to burp her. After Paisleigh was burped and changed Q sat back down in the recliner with her and started rocking her and rubbing her back.
Paisleigh goes to sleep on her daddy's chest. Finally my dad and brother show up to our house.
"Hey y'all." I said.
"Hey." They said to me.
We go in and we sit on the couch.
"Hey Q." John said.
"Hey man." Tom said.
"Hey guys." Q said.
"How are you feeling.?" JFK asks.
"Sore." Q said.
"I know how you feel." JFK says.
We talked for a while until Paisleigh decided she was hungry and wanted food. So I got the blanket and handed it to Q who put it over his shoulders and began to feed our daughter. After she was done he burped her and changed her. He was rocking her until she went back to sleep.
"Awww Paisleigh is so precious sis." Tom said.
"Aww Paisleigh is so pretty." My dad said.
"Here why don't her papa hold her."Q said while handing Paisleigh to him.
"Hi Paisleigh I'm your papa." He said to her.
He held her for a while and then handed her back to Q.
"Here Uncle Tom why don't you hold your niece." Q said while handing him his niece.
"Hi Paisleigh I'm your uncle and I'm going to spoil you rotten." He said to her.
He held her for a while and then he handed her back to Q. She started to fuss a little bit so Q put her on his shoulder and started rubbing her back while he was rocking her. After she fell asleep in his arms I laid her down in her bassinet in the living and got the sweet tea. We all talked for a while until they left to back to their hotel.

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