Me and Q were on the set of impractical jokers and it was his due date with little Paisleigh. He kept getting these pains while working. Then a pain hit him like a ton of bricks. He bent over holding stomach.
I saw this and I ran over to him.
"What's wrong baby?"I asked.
"Paisleigh wants out now!!!" He said.
"Has your water broke yet?" I asked.
"No but can we go to the hospital know?" He said.
"Okay come on let's get in the Jeep." I said as I helped him walk. I helped him in to the Jeep. I was helping him through the contractions as we were driving to the hospital. We got to the hospital and I got him out of the car and his water broke on the side walk of the hospital. We get inside with the bag on my shoulder and I was pushing Q in a wheel chair. Once we reached his room he was put in a hospital gown and he had two monitors on his stomach.
"Ow this hurts so bad babe." He said wincing in pain.
"I know it will be over soon." I said.
"I'm feeling so much pressure down there." He said.
"I'll call a nurse." I said.
I called the nurse in there and she came in and checked his dilation.
"You are ready to push." The nurse said.
"Okay on the next contraction push." She said.
"Omg this hurts!!!!!!" He said.
"I'm right here baby I got your hand." I said.
"You did this to me!!!" Q said while grabbing my shirt collar.
"She is almost here just one more push." The nurse said.
"Get this baby out of me!!!!" He said.
"It's a girl!" The nurse said.
The nurse placed Paisleigh on Q's bare chest.
"What is her name?" The nurse asked.
"Paisleigh Luanne Quinn." I said.
"I got it and she was born on April 30th,2017 at 12:06 am and she has separation anxiety." The nurse said.
"My poor baby girl." I said.
"Aww my sweet little baby girl" he said.
"What are we going to tell Simmy?" I asked.
"I don't know but we need to tell him and ask him." He said.
"Okay get some rest before they bring her back in here." I said.
"Okay babe." He said.
Q gets some sleep and then the nurse came back in the room with Paisleigh.
"She is hungry." The nurse said.
"I am going to breastfeed her." He said.
The nurse showed him how to feed her and burp her.
"There we go baby girl nice and full." He said.
"Our pretty little girl." I said.
The guys are going to come and visit tomorrow. Me and Q are sleeping at the hospital tonight with Paisleigh. We slept really good that night.

Brian Quinn's family
FanfictionMe and Q are married and have five kids. All of which he gave birth to. This a world where the men get pregnant and give birth instead of the women. Enjoy everyone