Today Paisleigh and Autumn are coming to the hospital to meet their new baby sister Tesla. Tesla has been feed and burped and she has been changed. Right now Q is cuddling Tesla in his arms and she is sleeping.
"Her birth was traumatic."He said to me as he held Tesla in his arms.
"Yeah. I still can't believe you tore giving birth to hear and she had got stuck."I said to him.
"Me either at least we get to go home tomorrow. I'm still sore down there from when they fixed the tear and it hurts to move a lot." Q said as he shifted a little bit.
"I know. You want me to take Tesla because my dad and your dad is bringing Autumn and Paisleigh. My dad says Paisleigh is crying and screaming for you she is so sad that your not holding her right now." I said to him taking Tesla out of his arms.
"Sure babe I know that Paisleigh is going to be screaming and crying that's why I put her clothes in a bag so she could stay tonight."Q said as he got ready to hold Paisleigh in his arms when they get there. My dad and his dad shows up with the kids and we hear Paisleigh screaming for Q in my dad's arms. When they get in the room my dad hands Paisleigh to me and hand Tesla to him. I hand Paisleigh to Q and she calms down immediately to quiet sobs and she holds on to him tightly.
"Shhhh princess daddy's got you baby shhhh it's ok shhhh baby shhhh I love you shhhhh hush baby you can calm down know shhhh."Q said as Paisleigh calmed down and clung to him very tightly.
"Dad meet you new granddaughter properly this time you too James. Her name is Tesla Elizabeth Quinn."I said to them.
"Hi Tesla I'm your papa."John said to her.
"And I'm your pop. Autumn this your baby sister sweet girl." James said to her.
"Baba dada mama."Autumn babbled.
"Yeah Autumn that's right that's your baby sister Tesla."I said as took Autumn in my arms.
"Paisleigh that's your other baby sister Tesla." Q said to her as I handed autumn back to his dad and took Tesla in my arms and showed her to Paisleigh.
"Baby out of daddy's stomach?" Paisleigh asked holding onto her daddy and shifting in his arms a little bit.
"Yeah she is baby girl you get to finally see your baby sister."Q said as he shifted painfully a little bit cause Paisleigh put her foot in his crotch.
"Paisleigh you gotta be careful with daddy because he is sore."I said to her.
We all talked a little bit until they took Autumn home. We ate dinner and got ready for bed and got Paisleigh ready for bed so we can go home tomorrow. We all slept the whole night and Q held Paisleigh while they slept in the bed together.

Brian Quinn's family
FanfictionMe and Q are married and have five kids. All of which he gave birth to. This a world where the men get pregnant and give birth instead of the women. Enjoy everyone