Today me and Q bring our baby girl home from the hospital. His parents came and picked up Paisleigh and took her home this morning so all me and Q had to do was get our stuff together and get Tesla and ourselves ready to leave.
"I think next time I'm gonna get the epidural cause it hurt really bad this time."Q said as he got himself dressed and got Tesla dressed to go home.
"That's fine honey. You were in so much pain."I said to him after I got our stuff ready and myself ready to leave.
"I love you babe."Q said as he kissed me in the lips as he got up.
"Love you too baby."I said as I kissed him back. Tesla woke up crying because she was hungry. Q winced as he sat down on the bed and fed our daughter his milk. Tesla ate a good bit of milk and when she's was done Q burped her and placed her back in her car seat.
"I'm still sore down there babe."Q said as he sat in the wheelchair and I pushed him out to my Altima. I put Tesla in the backseat and I put our bags in the trunk of my car.
"Okay baby do you want to sit in the front with me or in the back with Tesla?" I asked him.
"I wanna sit in the front with you babe."He said as I helped him in the front seat I shut the passenger side door after I helped Q in the car and I shut the door to the backseat. I get in the driver's seat and then we drive off to go home. We were listening to Justin Bieber on my phone on the way home. We arrive home 30 minutes later. I get our stuff in the house and I bring Tesla in the house. I help Q get out of the car and we go inside the house. I help him sit down in the chair and then I hand him Tesla. Q starts to rock Tesla in his arms.
"Daddy!"Paisleigh said from my dad's arms.
"Q she has an ear infection."My dad said.
"Poor baby."Q said as I grabbed Tesla from his arms and laid her down in her bassinet. My dad handed Paisleigh to him. Q took her from my dad and rocked her. Paisleigh started crying because her ear hurt her so bad.
"Shhh princess it's okay shhh daddy's got you shhh baby girl shhhhh I know it hurts shhh."Q said as Paisleigh fell asleep in his arms.
"How king has she had the infection?"I asked my dad who was getting ready to leave for the night.
"Since last night. She came to me crying with her left ear and she cried all last night for Q. She just wanted her daddy."He said as he left to go to his hotel to get some sleep.
"Oh okay.Poor baby. She just wanted her daddy."I said as Q rocked Paisleigh. I got unpacked and all of us were ready for bed. Me and Q let Paisleigh sleep with us and I would heat her a towel up for when she started to cry because of her ear. Tesla slept pretty well for a newborn. She woke up to eat and Q fed her and burped her. I changed her diaper. We slept okay that night because Paisleigh had an ear infection.

Brian Quinn's family
FanfictionMe and Q are married and have five kids. All of which he gave birth to. This a world where the men get pregnant and give birth instead of the women. Enjoy everyone