☣Chapter Ten☣

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Yule ball night

Killua POV

Tonight was the night for the Yule Ball.
I decided to dress in the same outfit I cam here in (character sheet page) .

Me and the other ghost members were aloud to play music as a surprise for the party. I was a bass player, draco was are drummer, maku was are key player, and corporal was are singer.

I walked down the hallway to sonnes (max) room. I heard many girls talk about me as I walked but I ignored them all.

I walked into sonnes common room. And I decided to talk with Mione and Luna (same clothing as the character sheet).

It seems Mione was going to the ball with Ron while Luna hasn't found someone yet.

I heard Mione gasp and I looked at the stairs. Sonne was holding hands with Neville. I smiled and walked over to them.

"Hello max. Neville" I nodded my head at the two.

"Hello brother". Sonne was blushing slightly and smiled. Neville looked very nervous.

" So are u two heading to the ball together? " I smiled slightly.

"Uhm yes, Neville actually asked me not to long ago. "

"Well congrats"

"Who are you going with? " Sonne and Neville came down the stairs fully.

"That is a secret my dear brother. " I smiled and walked away.

I was walking to find Draco when a small red headed girl stood in front of me. "killua! " She looked at me.

The whole common room looked at us. People started to whisper to each other. Some rude comments like 'is she seriously talking to him' or 'she's so stupid thinking he'll say yes'

I looked down at the girl and she was blushing a lot. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Yes? " I looked at her showing no emotion.

"U-uhm I was wondering if you would like to go to the ball with me? " He asked with hope in her eyes. She was turning her body to try and be seductive but it wasn't working at all.

"Sorry but I'm all ready going with someone. " I was about to walk around her when she stepped in front of me again.

"WHAT WITH WHO. I CAN BE BETTER THEN HER." she looked extremely desperate. She tried to make her non existent chest bigger but it wasn't working.

"One, I don't even know you and two I said no so stop making a fool out of your self. " I walked around her and out of the common room.

Max pov

I watched as my brother left the common room. I looked at ginny and she was red in the face. I seen the people around her laugh slightly about how she was rejected by Killua. I shook my head and went to talk to Mione and Ron. Ron was disappointed in his sister and I don't blame him.

After about 15 minutes my parents came into the common room to get me. I followed them to there room and sat on the couch across from them.

"So Max, have you found a partner for the ball? " My dad asked excited.

I mentally slapped myself. I never told my dad I was gay. My mother found out when she caught me staring at Neville.

"Uhm yes actually"

"So who's the lucky lady? "

"It's actually a boy and it's Neville. " I looked down at my feet. I could tell my father was unhappy bye the temperature drop in the room.

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