☣Chapter Five☣

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Black manor
March 17, 1990

Killua POV

I woke up to a warm feeling and I instantly shot up. I started to panic but then I remembered what had happened and were I am and instantly relaxed.
I got up off the bed and changed into some black pants with a green long sleeve shirt and headed down stairs.
I spotted moony and padfoot sitting at the kitchen so I joined them.

"Hello padfoot " I sat down next to him with a cup of tea.

"Hello pup" He smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

We talked for about a hour or so. Soon Moony and Padfoot were called to a order meeting. "Do you think it's about Max? " I said as I got up and put the dishes away. "Most likely. Almost all of those stupid meetings are about Max. " Padfoot groaned as he headed up stairs to change. "Maybe we can see if Max will come over. He misses you a lot killua. " I thought about what Moony said and I honestly did miss Max. "Yeah it would be nice to see him, but you have a meeting to go to.Have fun. " I smirked and ran off to the west wing to the black library.

-time skip brought to you by Moomy and Dadfoot-

It had been about 6 hours since Moony and Padfoot left. I stayed in the library the whole time and other times I explored the manor. I was thinking that when they return we could go shopping or something. I also wanted to meet the dark lord. I new max was 'supposed' to fight him but I know I can convince max and tell him what really happened.

I was sitting in the living room when Moony and Padfoot returned by floo. But right when they entered they intently grabbed there left side.

It turns out that is were there dark marks sits. I learned that they had it placed there as it would confuse everyone as to why they never showed there arms. It turned out they had a meeting with the inner circle of the dark lord.

I asked if I could come and Sirius agreed but it took some convincing and soon Remus agreed. We all went and dressed in the black clothing and I was given a mask to wear.

Soon we all entered Riddle Manor and joined the other inner circle members. We were all placed in a huge room. To say I was nervous was and understatement. I was on the verge of passing out. There's no telling what could happen to me. Before we left Sirius told me that what ever happened in the inner circle stays in the inner circle.

To say I was to only one with a mask other than a few children I'm guessing around my age. I recognized a small amount of people but I could never remember there names. A lot of them gave me curious looks and some glared at me. Remus and Sirius were on both sides of me with there hands on my shoulders.

Soon the doors on the other side of the Hall slammed opened and the whole Hall went quiet. I tensed up but I felt my fathers squeeze my shoulders a bit.

In walked a tall male. He has short wavy deep brown hair. He wore a red shirt with black dress pants. You could see his muscles since the shirt hugged him. When he sat in the chair I could see his eyes. There were a enchanting red. He was the perfect picture of a pure blood. This was Lord Voldemort.

If I didn't have on this mask I would say I had a slight blush. But I mentally slapped my self as I new I had a mate. I was also to young to date.

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