☣Chapter Two☣

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July 26, 1989

It was a warm night at the potters house as there was a small party going on. The potters were a rich family and well respected on the light side, as they have the famous 'boy who lived'. If you see the family you will find a loving mother with her husband and her child. But no one should expect the horror laid under the lies the family told.

The little party was made for Max to play with his friends. Though he did that everyday. You would think the young child was spoiled but he tried to not fall down that path. He had only know part of what happened the night albus had attacked. He knew only that his scar was fake and his brother was once loved.

Lord and lady Potter tend to out cast there oldest son as he was said to be no higher than a squib when albus checked there cores.

What awaited Max and his brother, only Merlin himself could tell.

The party was livid as many light family's were gathered. Among the light you could find small grey and dark family's. Max never took a liking to the light children as most of them were rude and snotty. He has made friends with the young Malfoy heir and to his surprise his parents had tried to tell him Draco was not one to befriend.

Max had never trusted most words that his parents had told him as he trusted his brother the most.

Max was playing with Draco when he saw his brother head to the kitchen after coming down for the first time in a while. Max excused himself from Draco and followed after his brother.

"Harry?" Max entered the kitchen to see Harry sitting on the bar stool with a piece of toast in his mouth. "Hello Max. " Harry loved his little brother and was very happy he had not turned out like his mother and father.

"I see you finally left the library. " Max new his brother loved to read but he new he was not meant for Ravenclaw.
"Ha ha very funny brother. " Max smiled at Harry as he took a seat next to him. "Will lord and lady Potter not get mad you are with me? " Max new why Harry never stressed them as mother and father. He never had. When he was young he never said mama or papa or whatever. Max honestly knew Harry was not a Potter and you could tell. His hair was nothing like his mom or dads and his grey eyes we're pure. He sometimes questions if he is a potter as well since him and Harry share the same blood."They will be fine. They're being rude and selfish."

Harry and Max talked a bit longer before Max was called back to the room by his father. He said goodbye to Harry as he left.

Harry snuck in to the room to see what was to happen. The room was empty other than Albus and the Potters.

"Max we have something important to tell you." His mother had told him as he sat across from them. "What is it?" He was honesty confused. "Well since you will have to face he who must not be named at some point we thought it would be best to give you more powers to help." Max looked at his father and he questioned the words he said. "We're are we getting the magic?" That was when albus smiled and chimed in. "Well my boy, we will be taking the magic from Harry and giving it to you. After that we will send Harry to live with his aunt since living in a magical world with no magic will be harsh on him." Max stared at the headmaster and all he felt was pure rage. Max had started to yell at them that he didn't notice the dark shadow slip away up the stairs.

Harry sat in his room, which was really the library, and he was thinking over what he had just heard. He then made the decision to leave before he lost the other thing he loved most. He quickly grabbed his green back pack and put a charm over it so the storage was extended and pack what little belongings he owned. Soon he wrote a letter to his brother and slipped it into his room before he slowly left the house and fled into the dark woods.

Max was fuming, how could his parents agree with taking Harrys magic. It was bloody cruel. Magic is all Harry has. Max stormed out of the room after telling them he will never take Harry's magic. He headed to his room only to find a note on his bed.

Dear Max

I heard what the Potters planed to do with my magic. I was devastated to think they would sink that low. Since you are reading this I am most likely gone by now. I decided to leave before they could strip me of my magic. In the library you will find some books I have left you about blocking people from your mind as well as other books you may enjoy. I hope you live well little brother. May we meet again in the future.

Signed Harry

Max truly didn't want to believe Harry left but he new he had. Sighing Max layed down on his bed and he heald the snake plushie Harry got him on his third birthday. He hides it from his parents along with a lot of un Griffendor things. Slowly Max slipped in to dream land and he dreamed he and Harry were gone from this family and were happy.

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