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Hello everyone.

So a few things will be changing about this story.

The names for Harry and his twin will be changing. If you have suggestions please let me know.
If you like there original names we will keep them normal.

So I know this is a tom and harry book but I wish to put any relationship with harry on hold until probly close to the end of the book.

The potters won't be as stuck up like they were. They will still care for harry but more like the fact they have to take care of him instead of choosing to take care of him.

I would really love for you guys to help me with ideas for this story. A lot of you seem to like it and I would love to keep this book going for you all.

I will keep harry and the others at there school. I may enforce the uniforms for that school depending on what they look like.

I will go into more detail for the school years. Mainly for max since he basically goes through what harry did in the original. There's not much information on Harry's school so we will have to see how his years go.

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