☣Chapter Eight☣

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Killua's pov

Today was the day all of are fifth years and up went to Hogwarts for the Triwizard tournament.

At this moment most of us are at breakfast. The headmaster is going to let us change after and we will be leaving at lunch. We were told we will eat at Hogwarts.

After lunch me, Draco, corporal, and maku all headed to are dorm. Everyone has there own dorms but we all decided to share.

We all entered the room and changed. I threw on my outfit I had on my bed ( all cloths are on the chapter before.)

After we all changed we lined up out side of the school. Are school likes to travel in fashion but we decided to have fun today.  We were all given a hippogriff to travel with. Well expect my group. Draco decide to ride Darche since he has gotten a lot bigger over the years. Maku and corporal are going with the sea serpent Siruis got them. I decided to go in my animagus form. Dad showed us how to become animagus and in America you can register at any age. Mine is a dragon like my inheritance.

Dad decided to give us all marauder names as well. Draco is ferret, maku is a spider so we call him aci and corporal is a great Dane so we just call him Dane. I'm called serpent.

I shifted to my form and sat at the back of the group. The head master trusted me to watch over the students so I have to wait for them to take of first. Draco is leading the group. And the couple will be watching from the water.

Once given the signal the students took off and I picked up the headmaster, my father onix and purpur and followed behind them.

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Max pov

I didn't sleep much because today was the day I get to see killua and Draco again.

I quickly got out of bed scaring the other boys in the room. I ignored them and grabbed my cloth and ran to the bathroom. The other boys don't like me that much even tho we have been in the same dorm since first year.

Last night at dinner Dumbledore said we can wear what ever we wanted. I chose a normal white dress shirt and I put the Ravenclaw seater over it. I grabbed the boots killua sent me for my birthday. After the shower and dressing I ran out the room and headed for the common room. I seen Mione standing with her sister waiting for me. Mione was in a beautiful blue knee length dress that had a lace shoulder cover and steampunk styled blue knee heels. Her sister, Luna, was in the same dress but a nice shade of light blue and blue heels. We all went down to the Hall and we had to sit at are tables since it was a important day. We seen Ron before we sat and we talked for a bit.

To say I was disappointed when the headmaster said they won't be here till after lunch.

We all had free time till lunch. I hung with my normal group. Ron, the Slytherin devil twins, Mione, Luna, and Neville who was a Hufflepuff.

When lunch cane around we all at and then headed out side and we stood in two lines. The Ravenclaws and Slytherins on one side while the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors were on the other.

First  Beauxbatons Academy of Magic arrived first. They came in these beautiful carriages. When the students stepped out all the boys and some girls were drooling. Yes they were pretty but I'm gay so I'm not effected by them. Once they joined to line we waited for my brothers school. At fist nothing happened and we have been waiting for about 5 minutes. Some students were getting impatient.

Soon a black purple dot appeared in the sky and soon enough a large dragon landed in the line followed by a bunch of hippogriffs scaring students. Half of are students screamed when they seen the purple dragon. Once the dragon shrunk down I seen Draco with the dragon. I was so excited and I looked at the group of students hoping to find killua but I never seen him. All the teachers and head masters were looking for the headmaster for killua's school and no one seen him.

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