☣Chapter Three☣

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March 15, 1990

It has been a year since Harry Potter has left his 'home'. The Potters had been furious that he left but soon they completely forgot about him. All expect Max.

Ever since he left, Max started to stay in the library more and be with his parents less. Soon him and sometimes Draco would spend days end in there reading or just hanging out. Max read all the book harry had left for him and he was really interested in what else the library had.

The day after harry left was the day hell broke out. Harry's godfathers, Remus and Sirius Lupin-Black, had come to visit after coming back from there trip to America. But when Sirius found out harry was gone and the Potters did not care, he started to yell at them and he almost jinxed them if not for his husband who held him back and left after telling the Potters there a disgrace to the Potter name. They never returned back but they did send Max letters and small gifts on his birthday.

Max was excited. He started Hogwarts next year and he hoped he would see Harry there.


Leaky cauldron

Harry's POV

I have been staying at the leaky cauldron for about a year. I was told I could take my inheritance test at ten and Tom was nice enough to let me stay here. I had a nice room at the end of the Hall. I got more robes from Madam Malkin's robe, a trunk that had a expanding charm on it, I got a new pet but turns out he was my familiar. His name is onix,he was named after Max, and he is a pure black Chausies and he has hints of red around his face and mane like fur.

Me and him are on are way to Gringotts bank right now. As we climbed the steps I nodded my head to the guards out side. I read how to treat a goblin properly as most wizards don't. The goblins nodded back as I entered the bank. I went to a open goblin teller and again nodded my head. "Hello, I was wondering if I could see the goblin who is in charge of my accounts and would like a inheritance test as well. " The goblin was wide eyed for a second before he nodded and he got off his seat and motioned me to follow him. I followed him in till we reached a door that had a name plate that said 'Griphook'. The goblin tapped on the door and left when someone called enter. I entered to door and seen Griphook at his desk. "Hello mister Potter, please take a seat." I nodded my head and took the seat in front of him. "What can I help you with today? " The goblin had stopped doing his paper work. "Well I was wondering if I could take my inheritance test today and check my vaults. "

"Very well. " Griphook reached into his desk and pulled out two pieces of paper. "If you will Mr. Potter, place seven drops of blood on this paper." He slid the paper forth and handed me the knife. I cut the tip of my thumb and let seven drop fall onto the paper. Once finished I picked up the paper to read.

Adopted birth certificate

Name- Harry James Potter

Mother- Lily Potter née Evans

Father- James Potter

Siblings- Max onix Potter

Godfathers- Remus Lupin-Black, Sirius Lupin-Black, Petter Pettigrew

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