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When Jessica and Caroline woke up, Jessica's mother had set out breakfast for the two of them and put it in they're room. "Wow this looks amazing," said Caroline "your mom can really cook." "Well thank you" said Jessica. They each devoured their breakfast. Shortly after that, Naomi, and Michelle came over to visit. "Hey you two," said Naomi "happy Saturday." "Hey guys" said Caroline.

The four talked for a while. Soon, Naomi brought up Alex. "So Caroline", she said "I hear you and Jessica went to Alex's party last night." When she said that, Caroline looked at her and remembered that Alex was Naomi's ex boyfriend. "Yeah we went" said Caroline. "So do you like him?" asked Naomi. When she asked that question, Caroline's face began to turn red. "W-well," she said "yes. Maybe. I don't even know." "Well don't try anything," said Naomi "he is an awful person. He's my ex boyfriend. He dumped me for another girl." As she said that, Michelle rolled her eyes. "Don't even worry about him," she said "that's his loss."

As Naomi and Michelle were talking, Caroline looked as Jessica, who seemed upset. "Well while we're getting stuff off our chest, I have something to say," said Jessica "last night after we came back here after the party, I kissed Caroline." When she said that, both Naomi and Michelle stared at her with dropped jaws. "Really?" asked Michelle. "Yes," said Jessica "I don't know why I did that. I lost control and it just happened." "It's alright Jessica really" said Caroline.

As Caroline looked around and noticed that Taylor wasn't there with the rest of us. "Hey, does anyone know where Taylor?" she asked. When she asked that question, all of them became extremely silent. "Well Taylor is... never mind," said Naomi "don't worry about it." "Where is she?" asked Caroline now with a combination of curiosity, and anxiety in her voice. "She's in chemotherapy today" said Michelle. When Caroline heard that, tears began to form in her eyes. "Well bad is it?" she asked. "I don't know, she said she would tell us at school on Monday," said Naomi "listen, me and Michelle are gonna go home. We'll see you both at school. Bye." "Okay bye" said Caroline.

When Naomi and Michelle left, Caroline looked at Jessica. "Don't worry," said Jessica "everything is going to be okay." After she said, Caroline left the room to use the restroom. "At least I hope everything will be okay" Jessica muttered to herself.


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