(32) Just A Girl

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I didn't want to leave I mean I did but not the way I did it kissing and running so much for not running from your problems Elizabeth she stood at the mirror staring herself down in the mirror she had an interview in 10 minutes she stared at herself remembering what had caused her to run

2 months earlier

She had just kissed maria and helped her with her  nightmares she didn't go back to sleep after that she was in shock finally being struck by the fact that the girl she had been falling for kissed her she felt sick did she take advantage of her? She groaned quite literally feeling sick before she got up up running to a bathroom and throwing up gross she whispered she had hardly drank being as it tasted horrible and gave her a weird feeling she got up before grabbing her keys

Might as well go home she thought to herself before feeling sick once again and parking at a store throwing in a trashcan well that's not good she thought to herself being running inside the store getting a pregnancy test now long had it been since her and Alexander done it? Did she take birth control? Has she had her period? A million thoughts appeared in her head as she bought the test and left obviously somewhat disguised

She stood in the room pacing as she stared at the three tests she had a few more seconds until her timer went off her anxiety rose as her phone beeped off signaling the timer being done as she quickly turned it off taking a deep breatth walking closer to the tests as she felt her heart drop staring at them no no no no no no she thought to herself staring at the three positive tests so far her boyfriend had cheated on her and she kissed the girl her boyfriend cheated on her with she felt sick she quickly threw up taking the tests and hiding them in her room pacing a bit as her eyes watered

She couldn't give the baby away or abort it she had to keep it but what about alexander or maria as she paced and tears began falling down she screamed grabbing her dresser throwing it to the floor as glass broke not expecting it to feel so good she quickly threw down her mirror as it shattered to pieces as she let out another scream and before she knew it her whole room was trashed as she sat in a corner crying

After a while eliza had picked up her room and made herself look better before calmly walking downstairs to her father noticing her dad was there but her sisters weren't she took a deep breath before walking to him she couldn't tell the truth she wouldn't or he wouldn't allow her to leave she put a hand through her hair before looking to him dad i need to ask you something she said and her father nodded sitting down at the table with her


Eliza you're on the director called causing elizas attention to be away from the mirror as she nodded walking onto the stage waving at the crowd as they cheered and she smiled sitting down okay today with us we have Elisabeth Schuyler do you like Elizabeth or eliza the host said as the crowd cheered again and she forced a laugh i prefer eliza but also  hi she said softly okay so we have a few personal questions with you is that fine? The host asked and she nodded of course she said well question number one how are you feeling today? The host asked and she shrugged

Im feeling good its a good day she said smiling as the host nodded well thats good now let's get into it recently we had learned about the reynolds pamphlet how do you feel about that the host asked and she felt her heart drop well um i I feel as though it it really wasn't anyones fault but the mans she said as people cheered and the host nodded true true now we also heard rumors that you and maria reynolds have hung out a few times what was that about? The host asked

Well its pretty interesting really we were two hurt girls and maria she actually is a very wonderful woman almost immediately after the Reynolds pamphlet was out she pushed all her hurt aside to check on me and i thought that was very brave and kind the few times we and maria have hung out were unplanned but very good she's a very kind soul eliza explained

And how are you dealing with your singing career? We have seen your videos and concerts the host said as people cheered once again and she laughed that is just straight up crazy i love that its happening it just keeps going and going and going and sure its overwhelming before you get on stage but once you do its amazing and it makes you forget your on a stage at all she explained and the host nodded okay last question what would you say to other people in your situation the host asked

I would say it wasn't your fault and sometimes its not the other girls or guys fault either sometimes its really just your partners fault and sometimes they deserve to be spoken too or sometimes you break up and that's it but it isn't your fault and you can't put that responsibility on yourself you just gotta push forward she sais as the host smiled thank you eliza that's all the time we have for today she said as eliza smiled walking off stage and waving

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