(37) What to say to you

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Maria walked outside running a hand through her hair she didn't know what got into her nothing but jealously surronded her body she headed to theos house as it wasn't that far away of course she had a key to theos house  the two had been in a rough patch but at the end of the day they always had the others back maria unlocked the door not even having noticed the extra car in the front yard she walked in closing the door Theodosia? Hey sorry i know I came in here unexpected but i just didn't know where else to go she spoke heading to theos room hearing her scramble around you okay she said peeking in the girls room as theo threw a shirt on yeah sorry i was just getting dressed she said and maria nodded looking to her confused its fine are you okay? She said and theodosia laughed nervously am I okay? Oh course i am why why would you ask that she said nervously

And just like that maria saw it she wouldn't have if she wasn't looking but she did what was that? Maria said looking to the bed as theo turned around quickly before trying to cover it up what was what? She said and maria stormed over to the bed before lifting up the blanket revealing burr maria said heartbroken as he sent her an awkward wave and she turned back to theodosia shattered before scoffing and storming off as theodosia called after her she walked out the door almost bumping into someone by mistake before taking a good look eliza? She said and eliza waved awkwardly um sorry i dont know why im here i uh ill go she said and maria grabbed her hand no actually you came at the right time i was just leaving she said and left with eliza as theodosia tried calling after her 

Maria sat in elizas car in silence not even music playing in the car maria sat there trying to figure out why she was here why did she leave why was she going to theos was it for her? But why? As they were driving back to thomas's house maria couldn't handle it anymore Why? she said breaking the silence and eliza sighed parking in Thomas's driveway im pregnant she said and maria looked to her shocked is it? She said as eliza nodded it is she said and maria bit her lip looking at her hands feeling guilty all over again if she hadn't ruined alexanders relationship with eliza they'd have a family right now they'd be happy just as maria was letting her mind take over with overthinking eliza grabbed her hand hey its not your fault its no ones fault but his she said as maria looked up to her im sorry she said and eliza nodded smiling softly

Maria opened the car door hesitating on closing it when she turned to eliza come in I'll make you something to eat she said eliza smiled brightly nodding before getting down as they walked into the house maria begun making eliza a sandwich and a water placing it near eliza  eliza sent her a silent thank you before beginning to eat as maria scrolled through her phone im sorry eliza spoke up making maria jump for everything she said silently as maria shook her head its fine I get it she said causing eliza to shake her head its not fine i left you after everything happened she said causing maria to blush a bit well i mean it seems you've been having fun with Henry she said and eliza let out a laugh causing maria to look to her curiously that was funny? Henry's gay eliza said laughing as marias face dropped oh she said before joining into the laughter

After they stopped eliza looked to her grabbing her hand but really im sorry and whatever happened with Theo im sorry for that too eliza said and maria smiled softly its not your fault she said moving some of her hair away as eliza smiled well thank you for the food i should go now eliza said getting up maria quickly grabbed the girls hand or you can stay a little bit longer get a bit of rest maria said and eliza let out a smile before nodding okay she said in a soft tone sitting back down as the girls continued catching up about their lives

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