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~At Malfoy Mannor~

"No excuses." Hissed the grey, cold-skinned wizard, Lord Voldemort. "The boy has to fulfill his tasks, every last one of them. He's a death eater now and under my control."

Sitting beside his father, Draco could sense his heart pounding out of his chest. He felt as if he was in a game of do or die. He felt obligated to obey the Dark Lord. He had no choice but to do so.

"W-what do you wish me to do for you my lord?" Draco questioned shakingly, looking up at Voldemort, then back at his father, trying to keep a straight face.

"You must kill Dumbledore." The words made Draco's heart skip a beat as they made their way out of Lucius' mouth. He was shocked but at the same time he saw it coming. He knew he had to do it, or else his life, and that of his parents, would be in danger. Words couldn't come out of his mouth, he looked as if he was panicking, until he felt his father's elbow knock his rib from below the table, glaring at him. That made Draco nod in agreement and say: "O-of course my lord."

"Perfect." Replied the Dark Lord, giving him a crooked smile. Draco stared at his sinful, vicious eyes. Wondering how ruthless someone can be. He knew he wasn't the nicest person, mainly to other students, but of course that wasn't as near as iniquitous as the Dark Lord's actions. Draco was taught to be like this, he was taught to loath any wizard who was a mudblood or even in another house, he was taught to believe they are a disgrace to the wizarding world, he was taught to think that they're all better of as dead....all by his father. Years of him doing what he's told and acting how his parents want to, led him to actually believing what he's doing is right, until now. Until working for the dark lord, and getting the mark. He's slowly realizing how vile this is, and knowing he can't do anything about it, added on to the pressure.

Professor Snape had already made the unbreakable vow to Narcsissa.
If Draco was unsuccessful with killing Dumbledore, Severus had to take over and fulfill the task. Draco was aware of the vow, that was the only thing making him feel quite relieved.
-"And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?"
-"I will."


No one knew about Draco's secret, he only informed a few, Pansy and Blaise. They were in his trusted circle and he knew they wouldn't judge. They were the only ones aware of his mark, of him being a death eater. However, not about his task to kill Dumbledore. He couldn't tell them yet. It was too much. How could he tell them when he couldn't even process the thought of it. Killing the headmaster? He questions himself every day. Voldemort had already gave Draco a plan to follow. He also made sure that Draco knew he had 4 months to complete the task. The amount of stress they've put on this boy couldn't be handled.

Draco would constantly sneak out past curfew and head to the Astronomy tower, he needed to be somewhere quiet and think. On the brighter side, their was only one thing that would relax his mind and distract him sometimes.

Yes, as crazy as it sounds, the thought of Harry somehow comforted him. He hated it though. Why Potter? Out of everyone he has to have Potter on his mind. It's been awhile since the two collided, or spoke, or even fought. Unaware of himself, Draco would constantly replay him and Harry's conversations in his head, every action, every touch. The way he had this control over him. Draco shook his head like he got rid of his thoughts and rubbed his eyes, sighing to himself. He rolled up his sleeve and took a look at the dark mark with furrowed eyebrows and worried eyes.
What would Harry think of him after he finds out? After he finds out that Draco had to kill the headmaster. As if Potter doesn't loath him enough, he thought to himself as he rolled his sleeve back down. He sighed and kept telling himself that he couldn't care less about what Potter would think as he got up and decided to head back. It was getting late.

He strutted down the halls, making his way to the common room, clearing his thoughts. Until he bumped into someone causing him to lean back.

"Potter." Said Draco forming his lips into a thin line.

"Malfoy. What are you doing past curfew?" Questioned Harry.

"I could ask you the same question." Hissed Malfoy.

Harry kept quiet, he noticed how bad Draco looked. Dark circles formed under his grey eyes. His skin was pale, as if he hadn't eaten in days.

"Got a staring problem Potter?" Said Draco.

Harry wasn't in the mood for an argument and especially after he saw the state Draco was in. He sighed and replied: "No."


"You don't look so good Malfoy. A-are you uhm like okay or something?" Asked Harry then immediately regretting it.

Draco couldn't help but stare at Potter's green eyes. For moments he gazed into them, until he replied.

"I'm fine. I don't need your pity." He brushed past Harry making his way back. He couldn't show any hint of emotions to Potter.

He left Harry standing their curious. He knew something was up with Malfoy and he wanted to figure it out for some reason. He never cared about Draco and his problems until now. This time it felt different.

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