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Spinning around in an instant, Harry's eyes fell on the one and only Malfoy. Not even getting the chance to neither greet nor speak, the drunk blonde reached out his hand and took the lollipop smoothly from Harry's mouth and replacing it in his hand with a glass of something shiny.
"At least stay for a drink. You don't want to be rude now, do you?"

The shorter boy's eyes widened as Draco slipped the crimson sweet—still pretty moist—into his own mouth, clicking it against his teeth. Then he rolled it decadently around his mouth with his tongue, coating the inside with traces of scarlet sugar and making it hard for Harry to respond.

"I'm staying," he managed, taking a hasty deep gulp of the liquid in his glass.

The drink was pretty and sweet and almost silky in texture, though there was something in the aftertaste in which Harry had never tried before and couldn't describe. There were peach and orange edible flowers floating on the top, and he put the aftertaste down to having something to do with them, though he couldn't be sure.

Draco smirked approvingly as Potter drank.

"Good boy, get that down you," he said as he proceed to suck the lollipop hard into the hollows of his cheekbones again then let his jaw release to allow it to slide slowly over his tongue, revealing flashes of bright red that made the world spin faster.

Harry downed his glass obediently and reached for another, desperate for the buzz of courage that the alcohol could give him.

"Thirsty, Potter?" Malfoy asked in amusement though he helped himself to a third glass from the table too.

Harry didn't know what to respond to that, but it was certainly true that more than one type of thirst was overwhelming him at that particular moment.

"So uhm- where are Blaise and Pansy?" He asked after swallowing harshly, managing to change the subject.

The Slytherin threw him an up-and-down look right before tilting his head sideways, his gaze falling onto the area behind Harry, as in trying to answer his question. However his vision was as blurry as a foggy window on a rainy day, and with that being said, he really had no clue where his two friends were, even though he had just spotted them drinking a few minutes ago, before Harry arrived.

"No idea, really." He sighed, landing his eyes back on the boy in front of him,

however, to his amusement, Harry was not returning the favour.

In fact, he was looking at the space over Draco's shoulder—more like behind Draco.

And for further more befuddlement, he also had a small grin plastered on his lips.

Malfoy wanted to ask who the boy was looking for, but he remained quiet instead, considering finding out himself. He could not fight the urge to not look back and check what was so pleasing and distracting to Harry's sight.

And with that, Draco slowly spun turned his head and spun his heels, in order to turn around,

only to see none other than Lucien De Martel, seated on one of the Common Room couches, with Parkinson and Zabini along with him,
but he only had his focus remained on Potter.

And that... boy oh boy...

was enough to make the blonde Slytherin's blood boil along with his fists clenched. He suddenly felt as of he was stone-cold sober at that moment.

Draco knew deep down that he was overreacting—he knew that Lucien was probably just a nice guy who wanted to befriend everyone, let alone Harry.

But now, with the alcohol running down his throat as rapid as a river in a windstorm, everything was overstimulated to him, however he still managed to keep it together for now.

He immediately turned back to face Potter, who just tore his gaze away from back there, and gave Draco a quite puzzled look.

"You alright?" The shorter boy asked, placing his empty glass back on the table as he waited for a response.

"I'm fine." He mumbled as he downed his last shot aggressively as Harry watched.

His mind was spinning internally while the music eventually got louder and louder, and something at that moment made the blonde's emotions magnify his desires.

Draco knew that the new guy was probably still eyeing Potter like a creep, even after Harry looked away. With that being said, Malfoy wanted to show him something..

"Come 'ere." He demanded lowly, gesturing the Gryffindoor to come closer. Harry did not bother to move a muscle as he was looking in every other direction—he probably did not even hear Malfoy—and that made the blonde grow quite impatient.

So he managed to pull Harry by the forearm, twisting him around, making him almost jump.

"What are you doing?" Potter spat out, but in an audible whisper as he was not even an inch away from Draco's chest.

"What'd I tell you about talking to Mr. New guy over there, huh?" He seethed, fixing his eyes onto the dilated green one's below him.

Harry furrowed his brows and parted his lips to speak. "I wasn't talking to him."

"You were smiling at him, Potter." Said Draco as he firmed his grip onto the boy's forearm, still holding him close. He did not care that he was making a seen, in fact, that's exactly what he wanted. He need De Martel to see out of all people. He wanted him to see how Harry's body was pressed onto his—and how Malfoy was the only one that's allowed to pull him closer.

"I was greeting him? I don't know, maybe like normal people do? Besides you don't tell me wh-"

"Shut up." The blonde cut off Harry immediately. "I've told you once, and I'll say it again. You stay away from him, Potter. He's bad news."

The Gryffindoor suddenly caught up with a realization—and he was surprised that he was bold enough to say it.

"Is that the only reason you want me to stay away from him?" He asked, putting on a fake face of innocence, but it immediately transformed into a smirk. "Or perhaps, jealousy looks good on you, Malfoy."

A deep chuckle escaped the Slytherin's mouth.
"I'm not jealous. I assure you, Potter."

The mischief in Harry's eyes magnified, meanwhile his facial expression turned into an innocent, casual look once again. He was in quite the mood to play games and get the worst out of Malfoy.

"Alright then. If that's the case, then I'm sure you don't mind me going up there and have a chat with him." He uttered, taking a step sideways, away from the blonde.

However he did not manage to make it through.

Unfortunately yet fortunately, the blonde had stopped him by garbing the top of Potter's shirt while he was still facing him.
And he did not hesitate for a second before pulling Harry into a rough kiss. The brown haired boy let out a quiet gasp before returning the favor. Arousal flared through his body—he should be used to this by now, but every time was exciting.

Draco then caressed his tongue along Harry's bottom lip, before biting it gently, in attempt to ask for an invitation. Potter let out a muffled moan at the action and that allowed Malfoy to shove his tongue down. They kept on battling for dominance as the aura voices and music got louder by the second.

"Okay okay everyone!" The loud tone of what seemed like Pansy Parkinson's voice startled the two boys into pulling away slowly. "Whoever wants to join us here, please come sit down. We're going to play muggle games or something."

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