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~The Next Morning~

Third Person POV:

The fragrance of something comfortingly sweet, yet intoxicating, was stuffing his nose right as he fluttered his eyelids open. Draco recognized that soothing familiar odor—it smelt like treacle tarts with a hint of pumpkin juice or something like that. His eyes finally had awoken fully, however he remained completely still, not moving a muscle. He swallowed a huge lump in his throat as he began thinking. That scent was the same as the one of the chosen one.

Once he let everything sink in properly, and permitted his mind to grasp onto whatever the fuck was going on at that moment, Draco finally came to a right conclusion that he was surely not alone. He immediately sensed the presence of another being literally beneath him in some way, and it definitely did not take much long for him to figure out who it was.

Harry had his arms fully wrapped around Malfoy's figure, more like his torso. His head was buried into the blonde's chest, while his unsteady breathing was sending a series of shivers through Draco's spine. The feeling of Potter's body pressed against his so comfortably was enough to make his mind forget anything else, for example, wondering what the hell went down last night so that the two boys ended up like this.

Draco's POV:

I really have no bloody idea how this happened. All I know is that I feel completely light-headed. The last thing I recall was being dragged in here while I was completely high, so it must've been Potter who had brought me to my dorm... and also stayed the night, obviously, given the fact that he's literally cuddling me with his hands all around my body. It was a really bizarre feeling, but I must admit, if I was given the chance to stay like this forever, with him between my arms, I most probably would not refuse.

Merlin, his smell is bloody addicting. It's a bummer I can't see his face though, since his messy, brown hair was still buried in my chest, making his breath tickle pleasingly on my bare neck. However, I could not help but sense that feeling in my gut that keeps convincing me something wrong or not expected had happened last night. I'm not saying I can't remember anything, but it was pretty hard trying to recall the events perfectly when I was utterly high, out of my bloody mind. Of course I acted like a completely different person, my mask usually slips away whenever I'm on heavy drugs.
Great, now Potter had seen me like that, and there's definitely no doubt that I tried to seduce him at least once—although I wonder how he reacted to that. I felt a smirk curl up on my lips for a moment at that thought, but then my face drops immediately. My eyes fell on the top of the drawer beside the bed, there sat the plastic bag filled with Viagra tablets, but that wasn't a surprise, the thing is, that it somehow unlocked something in my memory from last night, and it wasn't the most relieving to say the least.

I heard myself groan underneath my breath as soon as I recalled that the bloody pills were spelled with Veritaserum by Blaise and Pansy. They said to keep it in case one day we got bored and decided to spice things up by consuming them, but of course, me being me on drugs, made the foolish decision to take them with Potter, out of all people. How could I be so brainless? I literally promised myself before we returned that I won't be associating with him, for his sake. And now, he probably knows some of my deepest darkest secrets, all because of my recklessness. Damn it. He was the last person on the planet in which I wanted to open up and show my soft side to.

A heavy sigh left my mouth, but it was quiet enough to keep him dozed off. Suddenly, I felt a slight bit of pain on the back of my neck, probably where one of my scars were.
And then it hit me.
Bloody amazing, I'm ninety percent sure that he also saw those too.

I snapped back from my trance as soon as I remembered that we had classes today. I wasn't sure what time it specifically was but I know that we'd both rather not be late on the second day back. With that being said, I decided to wake that adorably sleeping git-

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