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Admiring the sight before him, Harry stood on the edge of the one and only Astronomy Tower, with his palms grasping the frigid boundaries. The cold draught caressed the surface of his olive skin, slightly wrecking his raven hair off his forehead.

It was a daily routine.

Harry had spent almost every term of his free time here for the past couple of days. He believed that it was a considerable course to clear his own mental state.

Reminiscing all his thoughts and worries, he caught up to one matter which he hasn't really deliberated over.

The dream.

The one he had a few days ago.

The dream that felt like he was in paradise.

Where he was in a cosmic field filled with dandelions, where the sky was like an expanse of sapphire blue, dotted with feathery white clouds as the radiant rays of the sun shone brightly in the azure blue sky.

Where everything felt so good and sensational to be true.

Harry hasn't really thought of it that much, neither has he wondered whose touch he felt in that dream. Someone was present along with him, he had no clue of who it might've been. But he knows for fact that it didn't matter at that moment there, because all of it felt beyond comforting. However the pliable touch seemed oddly bitter, yet cold and electrical, and somewhat... familiar.

Could it have been Malf-

Harry cut his own thoughts off quickly as Draco made his way into his mind.

No, no. I don't think so-


It really did feel like... he was ther-

No no.

Why would I be dreaming about Malfoy?

Harry sighed, too much was going on in his head right now, but he still managed to keep one wonder flowing in his mind.

The thought of missing him.

Yes, missing Malfoy.

Although of course he wasn't admitting it to himself, he did ache for him.

Draco hasn't even been gone for a couple of days, but Harry felt himself missing that git. As silly as it sounds, he missed fighting with him.

He missed stalking him from time to time, due to suspicion.

He missed how Malfoy would glare at him from miles away.

He missed those piercing blue/grey eyes that would constantly shoot daggers at him.

He missed seeing his frustrating perfectly build features. His sharp jawline that could cut like knives, his flawless pale skin, and mainly that ideal platinum blonde hair of his that was always smoothly gelled back. However Harry could admit, it looked even better when it was a mess.

He also missed how they wouldn't be able to go a day without tormenting one another verbally.

And physically.

The way Malfoy's large hands would grip tightly on Harry's skin, either his wrist, his arm, or even better around his neck.

He missed the feeling of the many cold rings on Malfoy's lengthy fingers, that would dig into the flesh of his skin.

Harry never thought he would admit this in a million years, but he relished the effect that Draco Malfoy has on him.

He snapped out of his contemplations, running his hand through his mess of a hair as a silent sigh made its way out of his mouth.

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