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There she was, Bellatrix Lestrange, with
a pernicious look on her pale face, as she lead Greyback and a bunch of other death eaters towards the Astronomy Tower, looking like they had already triumphed in the war. They were throwing a creative and probably illegal array of hexes at anyone and everyone who got in their way before entering.

"Well, look what we have here." She muttered in her usual sinful, destructive voice.

Malfoy stood there, completely frozen, not daring to move a single muscle as she made her way closer slowly.

"Well done Draco." She whispered beside the shaking boy's ear. His lips were still trembling while his whole body shivered.

"Good evening Bellatrix." Spoke Dumbledore calmly as Harry stood beside him, keeping his wand levitated.

"Hello Albus." She said smirking viciously. Then proceeded to switch her gaze back at the platinum haired boy, who was frowning frighteningly.

"Come on Draco, do it." Her voice was almost like a loud whisper.

"He doesn't have the stomach, just like his father." One of the others spoke mockingly as Malfoy shot him a dirty glare.

Harry straightened his arm, still holding his wand. He looked at Malfoy with what seemed like pleading eyes. His gaze met Draco's quickly, the blonde boy was on the verge of getting lost in those emerald green eyes and forget this reality, right here and right now.

"Move." It was professor Snape. Draco slightly jumped and gasped at the low voice that sensed him back into reality.

Harry slowly lowered his wand, a confused look plastered on his face.
I knew it.
He is also one of them.

Just as he snapped back from his raging thoughts, Harry felt stuck.

Like he couldn't move a finger.

Trying and failing to slightly gesture.

Until he realized that he was cursed one again.

Bellatrix had put a rare and illegal hex on him, while he was deep in thought about his traitor professor.

His feet glued to the ground, he glanced up at Malfoy, who was looking around frightened, not knowing what to do. Then his gaze switched to Albus, who was somehow with out a wand, so yet also helpless.

"May I please be the one to kill the boy now?" Murmured Bellatrix wickedly.

"No, he is for the Dark Lord." Spoke Severus, with an emotionless blank expression plastered on his face as usual.

Harry shot them both a death glare before turning his head side ways.

Draco's grey blue eyes met Harry's green ones once again, but this time, Malfoy rapidly looked away with furrowed eyebrows.
It was as if he was ashamed.
Ashamed that Potter had to see him like this, not just scared and agitated, but he was also sheepish of being seen on the evil side.
Draco Malfoy, the devious prick, was feeling guilty.

Everyone was weirdly silent.
The only thing they could here was Malfoy's heavy breathing and shaking, and Harry's failed attempts to break this hex and move.

"Severus, please." Spoke Albus with a soft, pleading voice.

Harry couldn't take it anymore, he had to find away to remove this stupid curse.
Grunts and sneers left his mouth due to anger. He was helpless. He couldn't just stand there and watch Dumbledore get killed.

But it was unfortunately too late.

Before he knew it, Severus had flickered his wand, uttering the words "Avada Kedavra". 


"Y-you filthy traitor! He trusted you!"
He was following Severus and the other death eaters, all Harry knew was that professor Dumbledore's death ended up being in Snape's hands.
So, unaware of himself, he stormed out, leaving Malfoy and Albus, who was probably dead by now, and stumbled angrily out to the forbidden forest.

He threw curse after curse at Snape, but he blocked each and every one.

"Fight back! Y-you coward fight back!" Harry shrieked, his voice full of rage mixed with pain.

As a last resort, he casted the horrid 'Sectumsempra' curse at Severus, who blocked that as well.

"How dare you use my own spells against me Potter." Spoke Snape with an evil smirk as Harry looked at him, completely befuddled.

"Yes, I am The Half-Blood Prince." And with that, he turned back and motioned for the others to 'Apparate' away.

Little did Harry know, Snape was actually protecting Malfoy. He knew that if Draco was the one who had killed Albus, he was going to die, since he'll be in possession of the elder wand. Severus was the only one who knew of this.

Harry was standing there almost breathless, watching as they snapped out of existence.

He had to go back.

He quickly turned and ran as fast as he could towards the castle where a crowd had gathered at the bottom of the Astronomy Tower.

He made his way to his friends who were wearing somber expressions on their faces.
Hermione was sobbing silently, her grieving eyes staring at one spot in the middle of the crowd.

A voice inside of Harry was telling him not to look, because if he did, everything would change, for the worse. But Harry didn't know what else to do.

He looked, and the sight that greeted him was worse than anything else he had witnessed in his life.

The horrible sight reminded him that everything he had, he could lose without warning.

He ran over to where Dumbledore was fallen on the ground. He could've been sleeping, really.

But Harry knew better than that. He knew that Dumbledore was no more.
No more private lessons, no more Horcrux hunting.
Yet another one of his only father figures, gone.

He fell to the ground on his knees, a sob rising up his chest.
He didn't care that practically the entire school was watching.
He didn't care that he was attracting attention.

"You clueless git, he's leading you to your own death."

Harry recalled Malfoy's words from one of their many arguments.

But he didn't care.

Even if it was true, which he knows is not.

All Harry cared about was that Dumbledore was gone.

Harry leant over his professor and sobbed. Cried for all he lost. Everything that had been taken away from him right in front of his own eyes. It wasn't fair.


"Hermione, I don't care."

"Harry! Wha-"

"Hermione. I said do it. Please."

"H-harry, I can't-"

"It's only one horrid memory. Do it."


"For god's sake Hermione just fucking do i-"


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